Showing posts with label Backlink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backlink. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

7 Sure Shot Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks To Your Blog

Recently I have posted 10 basic important On Page SEO tips to optimize your whole blog for search engines.

Link building is one of the most important part of SEO which helps you to get high page rank on Google and other search engines. as well as Google gives more importance to your blog pages. 

So today we are going to discuss about another most important part of SEO is Backlink and  I will show you some sure-shot ways to get free quality backlinks to your blog.


Many bloggers focuses on low quality backlinks or buying backlinks but this is not the right way to get backlinks. if you want quality backlinks then you should get backlinks from high domain authority blogs.

Also Read: 10 On Page SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Also Read: 10 Common SEO Mistakes You Should Stop Making Right Now

If you have low quality backlinks or broken links then your blog will get penalized by Google penguin and sandbox effect .After Google updating his system with many algorithms like panda, hummingbird and now penguin is rolled out so now day link building is going to be harder and harder for newbie bloggers.

SureShot Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks : 


#1 Comment On Other Blogs :

Blog commenting is one of the best way to get backlink from any website and you can maintain your relationship among bloggers easily as well. so comment on dofollow and commentluv enabled blogs to get backlink.

Don't be selfish while commenting. i mean give some appreciation to their work.

Tip: Don't leave your comment in single line and out of a topic if you are doing that type of mistake then your comment may get disapproved.

#2 Guest Blogging : 

Guest blogging is also effective way to get high quality backlink.  if you are looking for guest blogging then keep some points in your mind which helps you to get approval of your guest post :
  • Don't submit post which is not relevant to their niche.
  • Don't write tiny post, write at least 800 to 1,000 word article.
  • Don't submit old, repeated or copied article. it creates bad impression so submit untouched article.

If you keeping this points in your mind then surely your post will get approved. after submitting guest post you will get good traffic. 


#3 Submit Your Blog In Blogger Directories :


Submit your blog in Top blog directories which helps you to get some of traffic and also quality backlinks.
don't submit your blog in low page rank  blogs because I am here to show you how to get High Quality backlinks and low page rank directories means you can't get high quality backlinks. so keep this point in your mind.


#4 Social Media Sharing :

We all know social media is the one of the best way to get instant, huge traffic and backlinks. if your post is worth read then your first social media visitor will become your loyal reader. 

Several groups available on Facebook where you can submit your blog article. so I recommend you to join maximum Facebook groups and Google plus communities and then you will see some changes in your traffic stats.

Tip : Don't forget to use #Hash tag while sharing blog post on social. its playing a hidden role to improve your post views.

 #5 Write Unique And High Quality Contents :

"First impression is the last impression" this line going to be perfectly fit in this sentence because if your first visitor satisfy with your articles then he will come to your blog again and again.

Always try to publish unique and high quality contents for your visitors. many blogging communities accepts only unique and well explained articles so here good quality of contents matter a lot.

Writing unique and high quality contents is not easy. if you want to make your contents readable then keep updating yourself through reading articles related to your niche and do some paper work before writing blog post.

Also Read: How To Hold Visitors For A Longer Time On Your Blog


#6 Promote visual contents :

Here you can get organic and natural backlinks. Visual contents attracts visitors more than words because they can understand easily what you want to say. so try to create viral videos, Infografics, Power Point Presentations, PDF files or convert your blog articles into PPT or PDF and submit these files on various websites like :

  • Videos : You Tube, Dailymotion, vimeo etc
  • PPT and PDF : Slideshare, etc
  • Infografic :, slideshare, infographicsshowcase, infographicsarchive, submitinfographics etc


#7 Eyes On Trend :


Find out what's trending on social media and whats peoples talking about?. so whenever you will get the trending point  related to your niche then pick this topic and make your article. you will get instant result from visitors so keep eyes on trend.

You can also find popular questions on Yahoo Answers and Quora. then you have a two choices either answer the question with your link or if don't have this article on your blog then make article on this question then provide your article link below that question to read full post. 


Final Words !

    Using the 7 ways above will give you a nice start to get quality backlinks to your blog. and you will make your own space in blogosphere.

    I hope you enjoyed this post. for more tips keep in touch. and don't forget to join our newsletter. if you have any suggestions then please feel free to ask via comment section.

    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Cara Mendapatkan Backling Gratis dari Google

    Bagaimana cara mendapatkan backling gratis dari Google. Backlink sampai saat ini masih tetap merupakan SEO tips nomor satu yang bisa mendongkrak blog untuk memperoleh pagerank di search engine, terutama di mesin pencari Google yang sudah terkenal itu. Mencari backlink untuk blog ini sebenarnya adalah tahap yang memang cukup sulit. Sekalipun ketika kita googling di internet memang banyak sekali yang menawarkan backlink gratis dan backlink dofollow.

    Mungkin kalo disini saya boleh mengatakan, dari sekitar 100% link dofollow yang kita cari, paling hanya sekitar 20% atau 30% yang benar-benar memberikan link dofollow. Kenapa? Ini sudah bukan rahasia umum lagi.  Karena untuk memberikan backlink dofollow yang begitu banyak kepada setiap pengunjng yang berkomentar di blog, hal ini tentu saja akan memberikan efek yang kurang baik untuk blog itu sendiri.

    Sebab yang salah satu yang bisa menaikan peringkat Blog untuk mendapatkan pagerank, tentunya harus lebih banyak memiliki backlink yang menuju ke situsnya, bukan malah sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu, memang sangat wajar sekali, apabila para teman blogger kita, tidak dengan mudah begitu saja memberikan backlink dofollow kepada setiap mereka yang berkomentar di blognya. Disini saya punya dua tips!

    1. Tips Pertama Memanfaatkan Tautan Google Plus

    Silahkan anda memanfaatkan sebaik mungkin fasilitas tautan link yang diberikan Google di Google Plus. Pada profil Google Plus anda, disana bisa menempatkan link yang memang sudah disediakan oleh Google. Coba anda perhatikan gambar dibawah ini.

    tautan pada profil google plus
    Nah coba anda manfaatkan semaksimal mungkin fasilitas link gratis yang diberikan oleh Google plus pada tautannya itu. Anda bisa menempatkan beberapa link didalam tautan tersebut. Tetapi saya sarankan jangan terlalu banyak link yang sama, nantinya malah akan dianggap spamer.

    2. Tips Kedua Memanfaatkan Tautan Url di Youtube

    Selain tautan pada Google plus, silahkan Anda mengaktipkan profil Youtube, disana juga anda bisa memanfaatkan link url yang ada pada profil Youtube. Silahkan isikan judul blog dan url blog anda pada kotak url yang telah disediakan, setelah itu klik Done. Lihat seperti pada gambar dibawah ini.


    Dengan begitu anda bisa mendapatkan backlink gratis yang telah disediakan Google Plus dan Youtube, nanti Google akan memprosesnya, tinggal anda tunggu saja. Demikian tips saya kali ini tentang bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink gratis dari Google. Semoga bisa membantu dan bermanpaat.