Showing posts with label Explained. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Explained. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

How to Fix Runtime Errors? Rutime Error Codes!

How to Fix Runtime Errors

Fix Runtime Error

Runtime errors can only be described as a most frustrating computer incident, as they occur when attempting to run an application. However, despite the unfortunate circumstance of these errors, it is possible for you to fix them. But before we get into the various ways that you can do that, you will first need to understand exactly what they are and why they occur.

What Is A Runtime Error?

A runtime error is basically an error that occurs during the execution phase of an application. Such errors can be brought about by a hardware or software issue. A runtime error may result in data loss, the corruption of system files, and the prevention from utilising certain Windows features. Unlike with stop errors, <a href="">runtime errors</a> don’t cause applications to suddenly stop running. 

Some of the more common reasons why these errors occur include the execution of two or more incompatible applications, memory issues, a virus infection or software bug. In either case, the error message that you will receive will be fairly similar, irrespective of what caused it.

Runtime Error Codes

Microsoft have their own coding system which assigns a particular code to a specific runtime error, understanding what each code signifies makes it easier for you to diagnose and fix the problem. For example, if you received Runtime error code 7, then it would mean that your computer does not meet the required minimum specifications for the application.

This is why it’s always a good idea to do some research on the particular error code you are receiving, that way you’ll be in a better position when it comes time to fix it.

How to Fix Them

As I previously mentioned, knowing what has caused the error on your computer is just as important as the error itself. Which is why I recommend you check the error code, from there, you should be able to determine which method(s) to adopt.

Software Issue

If you’re constantly receiving runtime error messages, then it’s likely the utility, program or game in question is to blame. Make sure you have all the latest updates and patches for the application. You can do this by visiting the developer’s website.

Add-On, Plug-in, and Other Software

A large number of runtime errors encountered on our computers are caused by add-ons, plug-ins and other small tools that we knowingly or unknowingly install on our systems. If you have any of these add-ons or plug-ins lying on your computer, taking up space, doing nothing, then consider uninstalling them, as a solution to this error.

Fix Runtime Error

Computer Virus

Computer viruses are capable of getting onto your system and altering important system settings, which are then capable of causing runtime errors. If you have an internet security application currently running on your computer, make sure it’s updated with the latest virus definitions.

If you do not have a third-party solution currently installed on your computer, then I recommend you download one, right now. There are many of them around AVG Free, being a good one to try out.

Fix Runtime Error

Memory Issues

If you have attempted all of the solutions outlined above and are still having problems with this error, then the error may be the result of a problem with your memory. It’s recommended that you first contact the developer of the software that’s giving you problems, that way they can proffer solutions, before you attempt anything else. If they are unable to fix the problem, then it may be time for you to upgrade/update your computer system.

Fix Runtime Error

Run a Registry Cleaner

If you search online, you will find a number of websites all offering registry cleaner tools that are capable of repairing runtime errors. These tools do this by scanning the Windows registry and fixing where applicable. However, there can be some risk assigned to using these cleaners, especially if you invest in a cheap solution. Only those users with some understanding of how the registry works should attempt to fix it.

Regardless of the registry cleaner program you settle on, you should always backup your registry before hand, that way, if something goes wrong, you will be able to restore your system back to its original working order. 

There are tons of different registry cleaner tools out there, but I personally recommend you use Ccleaner. It’s not the most efficient, but it works and it’s free, for the most part. Paid solutions tend to offer deeper scans of your registry, making them much better options, providing you have the cash to splash out on it.


Now that you have some idea of what a runtime error is, and the various methods that one can use to combat them, I would also like to suggest that you regularly maintained your system, whether that means defragging your hard drive, removing redundant files or optimising your registry.

Every version of Microsoft Windows comes with the defragmenter tool, which is designed to arrange the data on the hard disk for faster accessibility. This not only improves the overall performance of your computer, but it also helps to minimise the occurrence of runtime errors.

Author Information

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website

Monday, October 10, 2016


You might confuse between CPM, CPC, CPA and CPL. Today I'm going to tell you what is CPM, CPC, CPA and CPL so let's get started.

What Is CPM?

CPM stands for Cost per thousand impression and many of the company use the CPM to pay their Advertiser. CPM is widely used by large number of companies and CPM is demand for every Advertiser. Actually when your Ads are shown 1000 times they pay you 5-7 $ .

what is CPM
What is CPM
Some CPM networks are Adcash, Adsoptimal, Google Adsense .etc you can join them becasue they pay well

What Is CPC

CPC stand for "Cost Per Click" means when ads on your site is clicked by anyone they pay you some amount of money usually 0.1 -0.7$ per click. Cost per click is widely demand for publisher. It is also called PPC [Pay Per Click]

Cost per click advertising is famous in all around world because it pay for every click.
Some CPC Ad networks are Google Adsense, Adsoptimal, Infolinks, Clicksor etc.

What Is CPA

CPA stands for "Cost Per Action" in which Advertiser pay high amount to publisher when somethings are purchased from your site but it doesn't like by publisher because it is very slow process and it takes much time to earn money but once you start earning it is very profitable.  

Some CPA Ad network are Revenue Hits, Adcash etc 

What Is CPL

CPL stands for "Cost per leads" in which Advertiser pay you if there is any form fill up by your visitors on their Ads. It is very profitable for Advertiser to grow their email list.

CPL is not to famous way to earn money for Publisher because widely no one is using CPL.

Some CPL Ad networks are - Adcash, Revenue hits

Which Is Good CPM or CPC or CPA or CPL

In my point of view CPM and CPC are best and profitable for Publishers and there are few ad network which offer both CPM and CPC like Google Adsense, Adsoptimal, Clicksor, Infolinks.

As you can see the image above and according to your choice needs, requirements, website types you can select preferred Netowrk. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Removable Battery Vs Non Removable Battery | Explained In Detail With Pros And Cons

Every user have confusion between removable battery and not removable battery you have also confusion of which phone to bought removable battery and non removable battery phone.Today your all confusion get solved by reading this awesome post.

The term which we use for removable and non removable is wrong,it is user removable which you and anybody easily pick battery out and another is non user removable battery which any ordinary people which means you and anyone not able to pick out battery but if you go to its service center they can easily pick out battery with special screwdriver so first understand the term one we can easily pick battery out and another we cannot but service center easily pick that battery out.

Removable Battery Pro And Cons.

A user removable battery is good in some stage and very bad in some stage.
Because of removable battery companies would not give that mobile give perfect size and shape as they wants.Some user want removable battery they carry battery and when 1 battery down they used 2nd battery this is one of the foolish things.Thinks that you carry a bulky battery everywhere its very bad.
Now its a generation of quick charging used that why do you need to carry battery.Some user gurranteed that when their mobile hang they remove the battery and insert again and your mobile is restart,Now I want to tell you that non user removable battery have a shortcut to restart a phone.

Reason Why Company Taken The Step To Insert non removable battery?

1)As A Safety

This is myth that non user removable battery is very bad the first things that company make the non removable battery that because of safety,In the previous phones like Nokia which is we can remove battery and sometimes user can insert another local battery in the phone thats why phones get heat and sometimes the battery burst so as a safety regulation company taken the step that a normal user cannot remove the battery.

2)Company Not Get Profit?

Second and huge reason that is company would not get too much profit because if company make removable battery the users bought the battery from any store and of any company so that company which make mobiles not get profit.
Company also taken the step because its look like a advancement of phone.

3)For Making Slim phones And Design Beautifully.

Companies also taken the step for inserting the non removable battery because to make slim design for phones and give a perfect design.A before few years company would not able to give perfect design because for bulky battery so this is the reason.

4)What Happens When Your Mobile Hang?

In latest non removable battery phones it does not hang but anyways company provide a shortcut to turn off and restart your phones.

5)Which One Is Better?

Non removable battery is good and best because you get size,slim mobile with a compact design.