Showing posts with label promote blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label promote blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What are the Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog Post ?

Did your blog not getting enough views and you want to promote your blog any where that you can get thousands of views ?

If Yes, Congrats because today I'm going to tell you how to promote your blog post so it can get enough views.

Increase Blog Traffic
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Promoting a blog is so easy but if you don't know where to promote then you did all things wrong.

Where to Promote your Blog ?

Promote Your Blog

It is so big question so, let see the platform where you can promote your blog to gain more traffic.

If you promote your blog then you will get views but if you didn't then you doesn't get views. Here is simple and affective strategies to promote your blog post.

Blogging+Youtube = $$$$$ (Related)

Promote your Blog on Quora?

Quora is a very popular forum, you can not directly promote your blog into it if you do this then they will delete your post.
In Quora, you have to answer some question and when all is well just insert your links (Insert your link 1 out of 3 times) then you will get lot's of views.

Forums are usually a way to help people so, help people don't spam on the forums otherwise you will be ban.

Sign Up on Quora

Promote Your Blog on Reddit

As Always, reddit is very large community and it is really called first page of internet. I usually used Reddit, but it's not work for me.

The criteria of Reddit is you have to earn a points called "KARMA" by posting something good on Reddit.


Some people use reddit and gets lot's of views and earning money from it.

I doesn't recommended reddit as it not work for me

Promote Your Blog on Stumble Upon

StumbleUpon is just like reddit but its works, yes it works. There is certain rules of stumble upon but if you have descent likes, followers than you will get upto 10K+ views from stumble upon. 

I generally use stumble upon when I free because it generates lot's of viewers. 

Just signup and then submit your link and that's it. Share your stumble upon post so it can get some likes after, after that you will get 100% real views on autopilot.

Promote Your Blog on Warrior Forum

Warrior forum is one of the biggest forum on internet, just like qoura but they are very strict. Go ahead and sign up on warrior forum and remember one things that, comment no more than 2 links per day otherwise you will be ban for sure.


Warrior forum is one of the SEO optimized forums and people stiil using to promote thier blog as it is very powerful.

Promote Your Blog On Digital Point Forum

Now, in my list there are major forums because it really generates backlinks. So, the next forum is digital point forums. It is highly optimized forums, remember if its question ask on google than this forum will rank number 1 . 

Signup on this forums to know the rules and regulation. Don't post your links everytime or in beginning. First, gain the trust.

Promote Your Blog with Data Sharing Technique

An ebook is best for every website because the content of ebook is so long. If you don't know how to create your own ebook here is tutorial .

While creating your ebook tell your audience about your content so when user click they redirects to the external links of your blog. We all know that "FREE" means everythings for audience. When an user click on your link you will get views.

Facebook, Twitter is the Focus for Promotion 

Always try to build facebook fan or twitter followers, if you have large community then think what will happen if you promote your blog on facebook, twitter. Yes ! you will shock and your website will rock.

If you have so many followers and like then you don't need to promote your blog on Reddit, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Instgram etc.

Get More Views

Always think to build audience, don't spam any where on facebook otherwise you will ban. Cool down, keep patience, embedd you facebook and twitter plugin on your blog, keep writing your blog post.

If you done all things then promotion is really simple, just go and put your link, people will click on it, you will get views.

If you don't know how to grow facebook fans, then comments below for this article

Recommended Ways

The most recommended ways to promote your blog is through Quora (Forums) and stumble upon and then keep calm, you will get daily 100-200 views with promotion and rest views will come with your articles and SEO technique.
You might get more views if any of the post goes viral and 10 out of 1 its happen.

The total views of facebook and twitter will depend on your audience so grow your facebook fans by posting well optimized post, inviting all friends to like your page and follow you on twitter.



Mixed up all things little bit, for eg - promote your blog on quora and next day on stumbleupon and then other, by this way you will learn that which method is best for you. Don't giveup keep trying and if you don't want to do promotion, just build facebook and twitter fans.

What other are Reading..
How to Create Eye Catching Explainer Video Review (Adsense Alternatives)

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What do you think, Which of the method is the best, please leave your words in the comments