Showing posts with label Traffic Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traffic Tips. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2016

How To Write Perfect SEO-Optimized Articles In Blogger


As a blogger when we write blog article, we should optimize each and every blog post for search engine and also for blog readers so that it will improve the ranking on a search engine.

Google has algorithms which automatically rank your blog/website. they does not have any human workers, so whenever you publish new article on your blog, they send out spiders to crawl your article and check it all things that indicates whether your article is useful or useless. sometimes they does not index some articles which imply that your article doesn't make any sense for google.

I found many bloggers out there (especially from blogspot platform), who has blog with many quality and useful articles, but someway I realized that articles getting only plenty of views and others not getting good traffic.

Well, how do you get more traffic if you are writing blog posts without doing SEO-optimization

Most of the beginners don't know how to write SEO-optimized articles in blogger. so i decided to write full post on it.

Writing SEO-Optimized Articles In Blogger


Step 1. Write SEO Friendly Post Title 


Post title & description it's only two things that appears in search results that force the visitors to click on your link to read the full post. so it must be short, catchy and to the point.

You can add your focus keyword in post titles. it helps to tell search engines exact what is your post is all about?

Step 2. Publish High Quality Contents

First thing you have to remember that, when you write article for your blog , make sure that you publish high quality and original content. It should not be stolen from anywhere otherwise Google will punish you for that and you lose your rankings in search results.

Your article should be keyword rich with at most 3% of keyword density. and it must be 400-500 words or more than that because google loves to serve well defined article for his visitors.

Step 3. Optimize Images 


 Compress the image size - compress images to change size of images to make your blog load faster.

You can do that by using online tool

Change image name - Before uploading any image for blog just make sure you have renamed this image with relevant name.

Alt tag, Title tag - In blogger you don't have to touch the html code to add this tag's to images. you just have to click on image (shown in above image) >> Properties >> add alt tag and title tag inside the box.

Know More : 6 Image Optimization Tips For Better Search Engine Ranking


Step 4. Keyword Placement

According to your focus keyword should appear in the first 100-150 words (1st paragraph) of the article.

If you do not set a search description for your page, Google will automatically grab the beginning 100-150 words of your content as a search description. expect this add your keywords in search description as well.

I recommend you to use only one targeted keyword in a post. If you are targeting multiple keywords in single post then it will make difficult for search engines to identify your post.

You can Google Keyword Planner Tool to find out the best keywords that will bring you loads of search traffic. 

Put your main keyword in
  1. Article Heading
  2. Post Title
  3. Page URL
  4. Content
  5. Search Description

Step 5. Optimize Blog Post Setting

In the left side of post editor you will see "Post setting" section. with the help of this section you can improve SEO of your blog post by adding blog post labels, permalink, search description etc.

Important Settings To Edit

After writing your post you have to edit 3 important setting to improve SEO of your article which i have explained below and highlighted in image.

Labels (Tags): help to group your blog posts together & act as a category.

Permalink (URL): By default, Blogger takes your post URL from your title but sometimes  it removes the extending characters from permalink, if you have a long title.  The permalink feature allows you to add custom URL of post that you can put your focus keywords in URL.

Here is example of Automatic Permalink vs Custom Permalink:

Automatic (Bad for SEO):

Custom (Recommended):

Search Description (Meta Description): In this section, you need to write short summery (approximately 156 characters) about your post with your important keywords.

Step 6. Use Bold And Italic Tag

Most probloggers uses bold and italic tags to highlight keywords. and i recommend you to use it in your blog posts effectively.

Using these tags to highlight targeted keywords or important text in your contents will help you for improving rankings. and it also helps to reduce bounce rate.


So this is the simple basic tutorial on writing perfect SEO optimized articles in blogger for beginner blogger.  

If you are not getting good traffic from search engines then you may follow this post to make article seo friendly and really make sense to google.

If this post has helped you, kindly do share.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How To Hold Visitors For A Longer Time On Your Blog

Blog Visitors

Do you have any marketing strategy or formula to hold your visitors for a longer time on your blog?  If yes then you probably are doing so through social media. but you aren't using these marketing strategy's on your blog.

The growing importance of content marketing in today's competitors world is well known. so every blogger and business owner want to do marketing effectively.

Few marketing strategy's that I have bring today for you, but you should use all of them. and if you'll combine them all, I am sure you will be able to hold your visitor for a longer time on your blog.

Also Read: 10 On Page SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Hold Visitors For A Longer Time on Your blog : 5 Effective Ways


#1 Interlinking: 

Internal linking helps your readers to give relevant information of the post they are reading currently.

There are many tricks successful bloggers use to engage visitors on their blog and interlinking is one of them. so whenever you write a blog post spend only 10 minutes to interlinking your old blog post in newer blog post.

Benefits of interlinking :

  • Relevant Posts For Your Readers - Interlinking is a way to give more reading options for your blog readers. while reading a blog post if visitor will find a blog post link which is really helpful for him, he will definitely click on this link to read more.
  • SEO - Search engine bots counts internal links of every blog article so it will help you to get high search engine ranking.
  • Engagement - Its very hard to maintain blog visitors engagement but interlink help you to keep visitors engagement easily.
  • Increase Page-Views - According to some of the above points interlinks helps to gain more and more impressions on your blog.

Also Read: 10 Common SEO Mistakes You Should Stop Making Right Now


#2 Create Sneeze Page:

A Sneeze page is a page that highlighting previously written posts/archives on your blog to help readers to go deep in your blog. it's very effective way to hold your blog visitors as well as you can make your old blog post alive.

Creating a sneeze page is very simple task you just have to pick most viewed blog posts and add them into sneeze page. after creating sneeze page place this page in navigation menu, sidebar or footer to get more traffic.

If your blog on blogging tips then you can create sneeze page like:

  1. Blogging Tips For Beginners  
  2. Best Of Blogging
  3. Step By Step Guide Of Blogging
  4. Beginners Guide For Bloggers

If you not created sneeze page yet then create it now. it will helps you to drive more traffic and you will get more readers for your blog.

#3 Email Marketing:


If you want to make money fast through blogging, all you have to do build a huge email newsletter list. and this is not easy task for newbies but you can use some tricks to gain more email subscribers.

How you will grow your email list ?

  • Sidebar Email Subscription Box - Sidebar of the blog is eye catching and most clicked place to add email subscription box, if your articles are worth reading then readers would like to subscribe your blog to get updates.
  • Hello Bar - The Hello Bar is a notification bar which helps you to grow your email list in short period of time, so I recommend you Hello Bar. after trying it I am sure you'll never think about removing that plugin from your site. 
  • Give An Free Product - As we all know giving away something for free is one of the great way to capture lots off email just have to create a product which will helpful for your readers like ebook, themes etc. and leave it free for your readers and get email in exchange of that product. 
  • Email Subscription Box Below Post : Add email subscription box at end of every blog post its very effective way to get more email subscribers easily.

    #4 Eye-Catching Title:

    The most important aspect of targeting visitors for your blog is post title. so you should write Eye-catching blog post titles to increase CTR (click through rate).

    Readers are very smart, they know! where to spend their valuable time. so they will visit your page if post heading is click-worthy.  

    Here are few tips to keep in mind when writing a eye-catching titles:

    • Make it clear - Blog visitor should know what your post is about actually, when he catching your blog post title. so make simple and clear.
    • Include Numbers - Include numbers at the beginning of the title , this is a great way to increase click-through rate on your blog.
    • Add Benefits - What does the reader will get from reading this post? add benefit of your post in title.
    • Ask Questions To Readers - Add question in your post title. it will generate curiosity in peoples mind to learn more about that topic.

    #5 Write Quality Contents:  

    There are a ton of content writers out there in the blogging industry who spend hours if not a days to write high quality contents.  


    Because they know how difficult to get loyal readers for blog and once they failed to provide quality contents to readers, they will loose many loyal readers and they can't get him back to their blog.  

    So now you can understand writing quality contents is how much important for you and your readers. 

    How to write good quality contents?

    • Do Research - When I writing blog post, I always open up lot off tabs in my browser to cover my article deeply. So always do research on the topic that you want to cover.
    • Connect With Readers - Connect with your blog readers and ask them what I have missed in this article, they will help you to find out the weakness of your article.
    • Avoid Plagiarism - Don't try to copy contents. write your own unique contents. it take some time but you will get many loyal readers.
    • Improve Writing Skill - Write article in a way that peoples wants to read it completely. So improve your writing skills and catch your favorite blogger writing style.

    Also Read: 7 Sure Shot Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks To Your Blog


    #5  Blog Design:

    Want to make your first time visitor become regular visitor? if yes! then you should spend some time on your blog design to attract visitors. 

    If you have not a skill of blog designing or don't know how to design then don't worry ! there are several sites provides high quality professional looking themes and templates.

    You can use free themes/templates or spend a few dollars to purchase it.

    Recommended: Top 10 SEO Friendly Responsive Blogger Templates 2016

    Here is some blog designing tips to make your blog look cool :  

    • Simplicity - Keep your blog design as simple as possible. it helps readers to easily navigate any information easily.
    • Logo Design - Make sure that your designed logo suits with your blog design.
    • Get Design Ideas - Before choosing colors, backgrounds, fonts take a look on other well designed sites and get some ideas from their site.
    • Add Important Widgets - Add some most important widgets on your blog like Author Box widget, Social, Popular posts. recent posts, email subscription box etc. but make sure that you aren't using fancy widgets on your blog.



    It’s not easy to keep visitors for a longer time on a blog, but with a little hard work, optimization, marketing techniques you can trigger blog readers in just few months weeks. 

    What other tricks do you use to keep your visitors longer on your blog?Leave your questions and comments in the comment box below and if there is anything that I’ve missed in this article letting me know.