Showing posts with label tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tricks. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How to get Free GN Points on Gokano? (Coupons)

Did you ever heared about Gokano, if not then,

Read - What is Gokano and How to Win Prizes?

Read - How to Win Gokano Big Restock?

Now, I will imagine that you have read our all two article about Gokano and let' move ahead to the "How to Get Free GN Points on Gokano" . Many of the youtube videos have the way to earn unlimited points but they all are fake and your account get ban for doing that work.

Today, I'm going to show you the best, easy, free, legal way to earn free GN Points. 

Gokano Coupon Code

In earlier update Gokano lauches the facility to enter coupons code and I've few coupons for you and as press CTRL+D to bookmark this page to get future coupons code (Note- This Coupon may Expire in Future)

Go to and enter the following code.

You Will Get Total 15 GN

Gokano Code


2 GN

2 GN

2 GN
2 GN

3 GN

2 GN

2 GN

Update - Want to Get More Code - Visit Gokano Facebook Page and Grab the Code
If you didn't use gokano then Signup Now for Free

How to Win Gokano Big Restock?

In the previous article I've explained "What is Gokano and How to Get Prizes" but you will only get your prizes in "Big Restock" every months. 

Read - What is Gokano and How to Win Prizes?

Claiming your prizes in big restock is very difficult because lot's of users tried and get thier prize and within 5 minutes of restock, the product will again out of stock but today we are going to discuss on "How to Win Big Restock of Gokano". Lot's of users facing difficulty in claiming their prizes in Big Restok so let's get started-

Big Restock Gokano

First Plan to Win Gokano Restock

In Gokano Big Restock, the fastest one to place their order will win so I recommend you to use Chrome Browser or Opera which are very fast.

Go to your Browser Settings and click on  "Autofill Settings" >> Click on "Add Street Address" and enter your information. It just like filling your Gokano form in Advance.

Gokano Big Restok
Click to Zoom
• Remember this is Very Important Steps to fill your Browser "Autofill Setting".

Second Steps Towards Gokano Restock

Now, restock is alive only for 4-5 minutes so if you will search your prizes then it may take time and you will failed to place order.

In this case, Choose your prize and save the link for direct visit, you can also bookmark it by pressing CTRL+D

Third Tactics to Win Gokano Restock 

Now we've filled an Autofill Setting but how to know when restock is alive. Usually they give you 1-2 days and within this days the restok came anytime so the best way to know the Restock is alive is-

Big Restock Gokano

Now, you are ready, just turn on the notification and run Gokano Nitification app in background and when the restock is alive then fastly click on your Bookmark you have saved previously for your prize and then your Autofill setting does the job and you have to verify and place order.

If you haven't signup on Gokano just Signup and Start Getting Prizes

Monday, April 17, 2017

Simple Tricks to Increase Alexa Rank of Your Blog

Alexa is one of the top website to find website ranking, if you have a blog or website and if you want to earn more money then you have to increase your Alexa rank of your Blog. For advertising, every advertiser will firstly check your alexa rank and if it less then they might not be confident to advertise on your website.

Increase Alexa Rank

Alexa rank depends on series of factor like, including backlinks, content. organic traffic. In order to improve your alexa rank then you need to do proper SEO.

Today, we will teach you "How to Improve your Alexa Rank".

Let's Start,

1- Write High Quality and 100% Original Content

Increase Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank
As we all know that the technology is improving day by day and the intelligence of search engine bot is getting improved day by day, tell me that if you copy anyones content, after that you will blacklisted from search engine then what will you do, your all hard works will get fail.

Write content by yourself, the content must be 100% original and evergreen to generate high traffic, if you will generate high traffic then your alexa rank will increase automatically.

Login to your Google Analytics account and see your stats, check your source and if would not able to generate so much pageviews then read the following.

Also, Promote your blog to get more traffic

2- Build Backlinks and Submit your Blog to Poplular Web Directories

Now, here is the main game to increase your alexa rank, build backlinks slowly on your blog and submit your blog to popular web directory.

How to Build Backlinks? 

Backlinks are just like votes for your blog, the more backlinks (votes) you got the higher you will rank in google.

To build backlinks you need to do many things like - Blog Commenting, Guest Posting and many other ways.

After reading the above post, you will become a master to create a backlinks.

Increase Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank

How to Submit Blog to Popular Web Directories?

It is very easy, just choose some of the websites below then find the option like "Submit links", "Submit Website" etc.

Here are the popular directories to Submit your Blog,

Submit your blog to all these directory and you will see the boost in Alexa rank under 30 Days.

3- Be Consistent and Build Pages

Increase Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank
These is one of the most important factor ie. "Consistency". It is used everywhere. Consistency is the key for success. For eg- If you are topper of your class for 1 year then you have to consistent and if you lose then you will not succcess. I guranteed that if you are consistent then no one can stop you from success. Alexa also focuses of pages, if you have more pages or post then your rank will be boosted in Alexa, and if you do not update your content time wise then you will lose your rank in Alexa.

Writing pages will skyrocket in Alexa Rank and Moz Rank because the website with more content surely have enough post.

4- Analyze and Take Action

You can keep watching your alexa rank and if you see any downfall in your alexa rank then take some action given above, like building backlinks, writing guest post, commenting on others blog and many steps.

Here is the list to help your Blog (You have to work on SEO and Increasing views)

Increase Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank

Also make sure that you have SEO ready Themes.

5- Skyrocket your Alexa Rank by Adding Alexa Widget to your Blog.

You will boost your alexa rank only if you noticed by Alexa, and one of the best ways is to place alexa widget to the your Website widgets. 

After Adding Widgets, You Will See Your Progress in Alexa within 2 Days.

How to Add Alexa Widgets to Your Blog/Website

Increase Alexa Rank
Increase Alexa Rank
To add alexa widgets just copy the below code and paste replace your website with

<a href=""><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></a>
So just replace wwith your website name.

Hope this will help in skyrocketing your alexa rank, keep commenting keep supporting.

Friday, March 31, 2017

How to Get Real Likes on Your Facebook Fan Page

Today, most of the people use Facebook and to show off with thier friends they use some third party tools to get likes but do you think that your account is Safe?

No, your account can be hacked very easily if you try to do something like this, just stay tuned and keep reading because today I'm going to tell you the 101% reals ways to get facebook likes on your fan page and please read this full funny article.

Facebook is leading social media but if you have no likes on your facebook page then you will not get views so, today I will teach you how to get more facebook likes.

Read this story:

Get Real Facebook Likes

Let's Read This Cool Story !!

The Story of Ram

Ram is a boy and he have a facebook account because he want to connect with people but after sometimes, to show off her friends he try to gain so many likes. Ram tagged his each of his friends to get likes but he get only 4 Likes. (ha ha)

Now, Ram get frustrated because his friends got more likes as compare to him. Ram turn on his internet and search "How to get Free Likes" on Google. As we know that Google is search engine so it shows so many result.

Ram found a website and that websites gurantees that they will gives more than 100 likes. Ram think "WOW 100 Likes"

Get Real Facebook Likes
Source -
100 Likes is too much for Ram because previously he get only 4 likes.

After that Ram Sign Up on that website with his Facebook account. 

(If You Signup on any such kind of website then they want a "KEY" ) Ram also submitted the key to that websites.

Wow, Something this happen

Ram got 140+ likes on his post in under 5 minutes. Now, Ram uses this method everytime for his each post but........ after few days he start recieving so much notfication and when he check, he found that he likes so many pages.

After deep researching on google he found that he doesn't like this page so, who ?? Yes, that website, who submitted your Keys. 

Now Ram Facebook Account is not Under his Control and lastly he deleted it.

Once again, Don't apply for this website because they will take your everythings from facebook even personal things can be approached.

The Story Of Shyam

Shyam is a website developer as he loves to developed a website. He knows everythings, one day he created a website and for the business he also create Facebook page. When he started he had "0" likes. Yes, "0" likes.

He want more likes to grow his business but he didn't got. Now he also searched "How to Get Facebook Likes" on google but he didn't submit any single previous data because he thinks that why any website gives me free likes.

He found a website in which he found "Legit ways to Get facebook likes". Now Shyam read that article in details and knows some basics concept of marketing and real ways to get likes.

He had taken some advice from expert, he researched on google and then he apply all the things on his facebook page.

Now he found his facebook page growing day by day with some simple tactics and some precaution and now he has 50,000+ real likes.

Do you want to know the tactics of Shyam then keep reading.....

The Real and Legal Ways to Get Facebook Likes

There are several legal ways to get likes on facebook and that includes promotion of your facebook page, daily schedule and too many ways. Today we are going to read it all in details but first share this post to help other people specially share it on facebook so that people knows it.

Source -

Now let's get started.

Organize a Special Day For Your Facebook Page

Yes, create a special day on your facebook page every week, like on my facebook page I do something special on every friday and name this series as "Friday Dhamal" which keep attention of people.

Always do something intresting and tell yourself why would people like your page, it only happen if you have well organized post.

You can start a series like me or you can start a podcast, just go and think about a special day every week on your facebook account.

In a study, it was found that most of the people is active on Friday, Saturday, Sunday as compare to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday because it was weekend and everyone enjoy the leave. These small things in your mind can increase your facebook likes.

Leave a Inspiring Thoughts

Everyday at once you can leave at least one inspiring thoughts with images. Really, one thoughts can increase your likes and make you more trusted because if you have so many likes and no one trust you then your all time get's lost.

Try to post like this as shown in images below.

Get Real Facebook Likes
As you can see in the image that there is handwritten thoughts + thoughts in images + website link in images.

1- Handwriiten thoughts enable user to copy and paste that word on thier Facebook page.

2- Thoughts in images create more engagement and looks beautiful.

3- Website links in images allow user to check your website and this method can increase your websites views.

This Strategy is Called 3 in 1 Superfantastic Posts.

Try to Post Short Videos on Your Facebook Page

Now, Internet connectivity is increasing day by day and everyone have 4G phone.

Everyone love videos and if the video is short then people definately going to watch these.

Here is an example,

Get Real Facebook Likes

Now here, I've posted a video on "Internet Most Interesting Website". I just go and find super video on youtube and copy that URL and then paste it after that type your words.

Make sure you have removed the links when the video appear because it look spammy. Just enter your link and when the video appear, remove the link.

Make sure you must use the word "Don't Miss", "Must Watch", etc because this make people to click on your video and after that for more video they will surely like you page.

Promote Your Facebook Page on Facebook Groups

Facebook is one og the biggest social media network and on facebook there are many popular groups with 50,000 + member. Just go ahead and join that group.

Get More Facebook Likes

After joining post your facebook page link there are tell people to like your page. You can post like this.

Example Of Bad Post:

Just like my page at here -

Example of Good Post:

Hello, Friends 

I Want to Take Your 2 Minutes by Telling You About My Facebook Page.
My Facebook Page Name is . I posted about Technology stuff, Gadgets review, App Review.

Also I have special day in which I would share some special things every weekends so make sure you don't Miss it.

Your Facebook Page Name

Sometimes groups admin cannot approve your post in this case, contact group admin and then talk professionally and request to post about your facebook page and this may help you.

Embed Or Link Your Facebook Page

Get facebook Likes

If you have any website with good traffic then you can embedd your facebook page so, if any visitors will see your facebook page they may hit the like button.

Today, everyone have youtube channel and if you have any popular youtube channel or youtube channel with good traffic then just put your facebook link into your video description.

Always try to build facebook community which make your business grows and support you. 

Reach Facebook Audience by Facebook Advert

Get More facebook likes
Just Reach Your Audience
While using facebook, sometimes you will see ads and some times you will see ads to like someones pages. Yes, its facebook super targeting ads service.

This is an advertising method provided by facebook to reach more audience. It will cost some money to advertise your page and it's need little bit of investment. 

You are not buying likes, you are just reaching your audience and it's upon audience that they like your page or not.

Invite All Your Friends and Your Friends Invites Thier Friends

Get More facebook Likes
If you have lot's of facebook friends then start inviting them all. Here is an extension which allows you to invite your all facebook friends at once to like your page.

After inviting your all friends, you surely get some likes but at a certain time you didn't get likes so, in this case reach your every friends and tell them to invite thier friends in 2 minutes.

This method will works and you will gain your first 100 likes for sure.

Schedule Your Facebook Posts

By Scheduling your facebook post daily at same time allows your visitors to know when you exactly post and this cause so much views and sharing.

If you don't know how to schedule your post see the image below-

HOw to schedule facebook post
So, I think you know "How easy it is"

Provide Special Offer to Your Facebook Fan Page

Yes, you can create special offer like some coupon code to get anythings at huge discount, you can also create custom offers as your wish.

By Creating an offer you will attract more audience and you will get more views on your facebook page. Here is the tutorial to create facebook offers.

Get More Facebook Likes

First click on Create an Offer and then create your offer, if you have coupon code then enter it there.

Get Real Facebook Likes
Enter all your details about coupons or offers then choose photo and upload attractive cover type images which give more attraction.

That's sit, You have successfully created your offer and you are ready to build your audience. 


I just share you some information, my main mission for creating this post is keep away from fake likes just use this strategy to gain more likes. Likes will only increase if your page have great content that is what people want to see.

I'm sure that by this easy tactics you will increase your facebook visibility and likes. If your likes are not increasing then you can reach more people with facebook advertising which is made for very targeted people.

Always make sure that don't submit your any facebook data to non trusted Website. 

Please focus on your content and what are you delievering to your audience, don't post illegal things, always professional, reply your comments, live like a family.

Wow ! Completed, Now Apply All These Tactics on Your Facebook Fan Page.

What's Other People Are Reading:

Download Flipkart App

Please Subscribe My Blog For The Latest Update, You Can Follow me on Facebook and Twitter - and

You Need To Help Other People on Facebook so, Share this Post to Facebook and Help Others like You.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Create Your Own Google Chrome Extension For Your Website

Do you want to create your own google chrome extension to reach more people?

If yes, then you are at right place because today I'm going to show you "How to create your own google chrome extension for free". 

Create Google Chrome Extension For Free

Google chrome is used by almost everyone so, let's target those people and get more views and subscriber.

In this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to create your own google chrome extension for your website, facebook, youtube etc and reach bigger audience.

1. The website is known as, this website give you option to create free google chrome and firefox extension.

2. Signup on Wix, verify your email and then login to your account

3. Now click on "Create New Project".

Create Your Own Extension

4. Now, if you want to create extension for your website click on "Blog Feed (RSS)" option.

Create Your Own Extension

5. In next step you have to enter "Project Name", "Project Description" and "Icon" of your extensions.

Create Your Own Extension

6. Now, you have to find RSS Feed of your blog, so move on your blog homepage and right click anywhere, now choose "View Page Source" Option.

Create Your Own Extension

7. After clicking on "View Page Source" you will see a new page will open with lots of coding, now press CTRL+F on your keyboard and type "<link" and hit enter. Your RSS feed will be shown like in the image below, just copy it.

Create Your Own Extension

8. Your RSS feed will look like this "". Now copy your RSS feed and then paste into the next option which you will see in the images below.

Create Your Own Extension

9. Click next option and you will see something like this (in image below). Just change your appereance and hit next button.

Create Your Own Extension

10. Congrats ! You have successfully created your extension just share your Extension URL to the people and tell them to download it.

Create Your Own Extension

Go ahead and create your extension and serve to your viewers, its super easy and quick ways.

What others are Reading?

Do You Created Your Extension, Let Me Know If You Have any Problem ?

What are the Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog Post ?

Did your blog not getting enough views and you want to promote your blog any where that you can get thousands of views ?

If Yes, Congrats because today I'm going to tell you how to promote your blog post so it can get enough views.

Increase Blog Traffic
Img Credit -

Promoting a blog is so easy but if you don't know where to promote then you did all things wrong.

Where to Promote your Blog ?

Promote Your Blog

It is so big question so, let see the platform where you can promote your blog to gain more traffic.

If you promote your blog then you will get views but if you didn't then you doesn't get views. Here is simple and affective strategies to promote your blog post.

Blogging+Youtube = $$$$$ (Related)

Promote your Blog on Quora?

Quora is a very popular forum, you can not directly promote your blog into it if you do this then they will delete your post.
In Quora, you have to answer some question and when all is well just insert your links (Insert your link 1 out of 3 times) then you will get lot's of views.

Forums are usually a way to help people so, help people don't spam on the forums otherwise you will be ban.

Sign Up on Quora

Promote Your Blog on Reddit

As Always, reddit is very large community and it is really called first page of internet. I usually used Reddit, but it's not work for me.

The criteria of Reddit is you have to earn a points called "KARMA" by posting something good on Reddit.


Some people use reddit and gets lot's of views and earning money from it.

I doesn't recommended reddit as it not work for me

Promote Your Blog on Stumble Upon

StumbleUpon is just like reddit but its works, yes it works. There is certain rules of stumble upon but if you have descent likes, followers than you will get upto 10K+ views from stumble upon. 

I generally use stumble upon when I free because it generates lot's of viewers. 

Just signup and then submit your link and that's it. Share your stumble upon post so it can get some likes after, after that you will get 100% real views on autopilot.

Promote Your Blog on Warrior Forum

Warrior forum is one of the biggest forum on internet, just like qoura but they are very strict. Go ahead and sign up on warrior forum and remember one things that, comment no more than 2 links per day otherwise you will be ban for sure.


Warrior forum is one of the SEO optimized forums and people stiil using to promote thier blog as it is very powerful.

Promote Your Blog On Digital Point Forum

Now, in my list there are major forums because it really generates backlinks. So, the next forum is digital point forums. It is highly optimized forums, remember if its question ask on google than this forum will rank number 1 . 

Signup on this forums to know the rules and regulation. Don't post your links everytime or in beginning. First, gain the trust.

Promote Your Blog with Data Sharing Technique

An ebook is best for every website because the content of ebook is so long. If you don't know how to create your own ebook here is tutorial .

While creating your ebook tell your audience about your content so when user click they redirects to the external links of your blog. We all know that "FREE" means everythings for audience. When an user click on your link you will get views.

Facebook, Twitter is the Focus for Promotion 

Always try to build facebook fan or twitter followers, if you have large community then think what will happen if you promote your blog on facebook, twitter. Yes ! you will shock and your website will rock.

If you have so many followers and like then you don't need to promote your blog on Reddit, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Instgram etc.

Get More Views

Always think to build audience, don't spam any where on facebook otherwise you will ban. Cool down, keep patience, embedd you facebook and twitter plugin on your blog, keep writing your blog post.

If you done all things then promotion is really simple, just go and put your link, people will click on it, you will get views.

If you don't know how to grow facebook fans, then comments below for this article

Recommended Ways

The most recommended ways to promote your blog is through Quora (Forums) and stumble upon and then keep calm, you will get daily 100-200 views with promotion and rest views will come with your articles and SEO technique.
You might get more views if any of the post goes viral and 10 out of 1 its happen.

The total views of facebook and twitter will depend on your audience so grow your facebook fans by posting well optimized post, inviting all friends to like your page and follow you on twitter.



Mixed up all things little bit, for eg - promote your blog on quora and next day on stumbleupon and then other, by this way you will learn that which method is best for you. Don't giveup keep trying and if you don't want to do promotion, just build facebook and twitter fans.

What other are Reading..
How to Create Eye Catching Explainer Video Review (Adsense Alternatives)

10 Best Productivity App To Manage Your Time Wisely

5 Blogger SEO That Superboost your Blog Post

What do you think, Which of the method is the best, please leave your words in the comments