Showing posts with label SEO Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Advanced SEO Setting For Blogger: Meta Tags, Robots.txt, 404 Page And More


Blogger is one of the most SEO friendly blogging platform as compared to other platforms as everyone know, but you have to enable some advanced seo settings in blogger to make your blog more search engine friendly. Most newbies usually get the basics done well when they start their blog. as we all know Google have added some SEO features in blogger to make your blog more search engine friendly.

However, in this post you will learn step by step how to enable advanced SEO setting for blogger blog. by enabling it you can optimize your blog easily for all search engines. so let's start the tutorial.

#1. Securing Blogger (HTTP to HTTPS)

HTTP redirect is one of the best feature recently added by google in blogger to create secure communication over a computer network. and google gives more importance for HTTPS enabled websites.

What is HTTPS? 

HTTPS is basically a secure version of HTTP. it means your blog data which is transferred between the user and server is now encrypted and protected from access or stealing from hackers.

Benefits of HTTPS  


  • It tells your visitors that you have opened correct website and aren’t being redirected to a malicious site.
  • It helps detect if an attacker tries to change or hack any data sent from Blogger to the visitor.
  • It adds security measures that make it harder for other people to listen to your visitors’ conversations, track their activities, or steal any private information.

However, this is the free service and you don't need to spend money for getting SSL certificate to make secure connection for your blog.

To turn on HTTP to HTTPS go to your blogger blog and click on Settings >> Basic >> HTTPS and select Yes option (as shown in image).


#2. Meta Tag Description 

Meta description is another important advanced SEO setting for blogger which helps visitors choose to click on your blog in search results by Meta Description. Here you can write a compelling summary (max 150 words) of what your blog is all about with your " main keywords".

To enable meta tag search description go to your blogger blog and click on Settings >> Search Preferences >> Meta tags >> and select Yes option. now add your blog description and click on save button (as shown in image).


#3. Custom 404 Page Not Found

This is most crucial SEO setting in blogger. we must enable this setting in blogger for better SEO and user experience.

404 page not fount is a error page shows when visitor clicks on broken link of your blog post. it tells your readers that you have clicked on broken link and this page is doesn't exist anymore.


I have created short JavaScript for this setting you can add it by going on blogger  Settings >> Search Preferences >> Errors and redirections >> Custom Page Not Found >> and select Edit option. now simply copy below JavaScript and past it in empty box.

To complete tutorial Read: How To Redirect 404 Error (Page Not Found) To Homepage In Blogger


[<h1>Ooops.... 404 Error Page Not Found!</h1>
<br><b>We're sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for.
This may happen if you have entered site URL incorrectly or this page doesn't exist anymore.</b>
<script type = "text/javascript">
BSPNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {
location.pathname= "/"
}, 5000);

#4. Custom Redirects

This is one of the most important SEO setting in blogger. If you had deleted some blog post then the link of these posts will broke, to deal with the broken links you have to paste your broken and new post link in custom redirects option which you will find exact below Errors and redirections.

If visitors click on broken link they they will redirect to your new post link. to find out all your blog crawl error broken links, go to your Google Webmasters Tool

#5. Custom Robots.txt File

Robots.txt is a command file for the search engine robots to explore or browse a pages of your blog. Robots.txt is arguably filter our blog from search engines. by adding this file you can tell google robots which information crawl and which don't.

Read Also: How To Add Custom Robots.txt File In Blogger/Blogspot

To add Robots.txt file to your blogger blog just click on your blog Settings >> Search Preferences >> Crawlers and indexing >> Custom robots.txt >> Paste below code in box.

[User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

  Note:   Replace with your blog URL


#6. Custom Robots Header Tags


This is another most important SEO setting for blogger. to setup this option go to your blog Settings >> Search Preferences >> Crawlers and indexing >> Custom robots header tags >> Edit >> Yes.

To make this process easy for you i have selected tags in below tags . so just select the tags just like i have selected in below screenshot.   


#7. Nofollow/Open In New Tab


In above image i have selected Open this link in new window, which helps you to open link in new tab and it also helps to reduce your bounce rate and second one is rel="nofollow" tells search engines to do not crawl this link (don't show this link in search results).

  Note:   Use rel="nofollow" link attribute only when you have to link to irrelevant sites/pages that you don’t trust or don't want to show this link in search results.


So this is the complete tutorial on Advanced SEO Setting For Blogger. by adding/enabling this features you will surely make your blog more search engine friendly. if you still facing any problems and confusing let's join me in below comment box.

Do you liked this post, if yes then please do share. and if i missed anything please let me know. stay blessed!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Blogspot Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Bloggers

Blogger is the great place for making websites and blogs.Many user write post 4-5 hours on blogger daily but no one come to see that blog because they dont know blogger SEO. Today you know how to optimize your blog for SEO which is known as search engine optimization.
Blogger Seo

Many blogger especially who using blogspot platform struggle a lot for trafic but they dont know about SEO.Today you know about "Blogspot SEO" 

Blogspot SEO :Some Useful Tips And Tricks

Follow the step which showed in the below and you got a lots of traffic for sure.
We will try to help you even if you are beginners to the blog.

SEO Settings In Blogger
Enable Desciption

Open your blogger dashboard and navigate to Settings→Search Preferences.
Click on the description and enable the description by clicking yes as you can see in this picture.
Write a description for your blog less than 150 character.It help lot for your blog and easy for search engine to crawl.

Enable "Custom Robot Header Tag
Enable custom robot header tag for your blog and apply setting as shown in the image below.

Apply this settings in the custom robot header tags.

This settings are most important to apply in your blog.
By this setting you get a lots of traffic.So First apply settings in your blogger search preference as shown here.

Apply Custom Parmalink In Your Blog
Set Parmalinks

When we talk about SEO is applying custom parmalink is most important for search engines.They just find your url related to your post and put in the best ranking so apply custom parmalink.Dont add spcae,or comma to your parmalink just edit like this "tips-for-blogger".This help search engine a lot.

Title Customization.
When we talk about title it is most important to customize your title.
Customize Title
When anyone searching for your article the most important things is title and in blogger it got huge problem because when anyone searching for your matter.Like in the above picture the title is city of (long-distance)Love!- but in first it shows the home page title and for SEO it is necessary to bring the title first and then homepage.To correct that mistake by blogger you need to navigate to Template→Edit Tempplates.
Edit your template and search for 


and replace your title with this code ↓

And your title is replace in google search in 4-5 hours which is good for you.

Importance Of Label
Label is the most important part of the SEO because google crawler check your labels and import in search page of google if match to any keyword so maintain keyword density.So make your label looks like goods.
You can take idea of label from google keyword tool.
Google keyword Planner give you idea for you label or keyword.

Keyword Tool

Sign in with your adwords account and enter in keyword planer.Click on search for new keyword using a phrase website or category and search the title of your content like in this content I tell you about SEO so as you can see i the picture I take the title "blogger seo" and click get ideas and move to Tab keyword ideas and put all keyword in your label.

Keyword Tool Apply In Label


Put all these keyword into your label as show in image.

Related Post - Make Money With Blogs

By this few tricks you can easily get traffic but once again content is most important for your blogspot platform.

Share And Comment if any problem or want more tricks.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

6 Image Optimization Tips For Better Search Engine Ranking

image optimization tips
Without images blog article is like milk without sugar, bread without butter because images are saying more than thousand a word and that's why we are using images in blog post to better understanding of article for our visitors.

Google smartly crawl all the data to give relevant search results to customers and that's why search engines want proper optimization for all type of content which is published on the web.

There are several bloggers (newbie bloggers) out there who don't know how to do proper image optimization and Some bloggers know how to do it that but they avoids or doing with wrong methods. and the result is low traffic from search engines. sad emoticon

To getting traffic back of your blog you must have to work on your all blog images to get stand out on search engine ranking.

Also Read: 10 Common SEO Mistakes You Should Stop Making Right Now

If you haven't any idea for image optimization don't worry ! this is whole article for you. today we will cover all the important factors of image optimization for SEO.

Also Read: 10 On Page SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Image Optimization For Better Search Engine Ranking :


#1 Alt Tag :


alt tag example
when we see camera in image we can instantly recognize this image but search engine spiders can't recognize any image without "descriptive" Alt tag. and that's why you need to use descriptive Alt tag in images.

If you are using Blogger blogspot platform then simply click on the image in post editor, select properties and add your alt tag (for search engines) and title tag (for your readers).

If you are using WordPress platform then you have to install : SEO Image Plugin, after installing this plugin just go to Setting >> SEO friendly images and then add your alt and title tag.

HTML Code look like:
Example : <img src="" alt="camera on the table"/>


#2 Image File Size :

Fast loading pages always on the edge of rank and search engines love that so if your blog image size is too large then it will affect on your blog loading speed and visitor will go back.

Make image size as small as possible you can resize and compress blog images using online tools like Picnick Or Image Optimizer. to increase your web pages speed/load time you can use an image editing software's like Photoshop.


#3 Image File Name :

Image file name also helps search engines to describe more about image and that's the reason I have added this point in this article.

Before uploading any images, give a suitable title for that image. and use keywords in file name before uploading them. so don't upload images without giving relevant file name.

#4 Anchor Text :


Anchor text is the hyper linking to another page or document on the web. and this is a mostly used term for search engine optimization now day. The exact use of anchor text in images will help you to get high page rank for your images and article.

Whenever you are used anchor text with a keyword that shows the page being linked to another page.

See below image as an example of exact anchor text :

use of anchor text

In this image "Image Optimization" is exact match anchor because it's linking to a page about image optimization.

#5 Images Format JPG, GIF, PNG :  

Whenever you want to use photos in your article, select the pic which related to your article it will attract the visitors. and wrap contents around the picture.

JPG is better format than other formats. it's giving high quality picture with low size and it will best for your blog. because this format helps to speed up your blog pages.

You can change pictures format using Photoshop just open image file in Photoshop and save as with new extension.

#6 Add Descriptive Caption :


Photo Caption is used for describing published photographs. if you are using caption carefully then it will help you to get more traffic from search engine. But one thing remember that always give caption, alt tag, file name related to your image and article.

If you are using free pictures on your blog then you can give attribution to picture author using caption to give attribution just add credit link in caption.

Final Words

So these are the 6 Image Optimization Tips you can apply on blog images to get more and more organic traffic from search engines.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions then feel free to ask through comment box. and let me know which techniques you have to optimize blog images. Happy Blogging. smile

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tahukah Anda Apa Alasan Saya Menutup Komentar Di Blog Ini?

Sebetulnya alasan kenapa saya menutup komentar yang mengandung link di blog ini, bukan karena pelit, justru sebab saya kasihan kepada sahabat yang hanya meninggalkan komentar spam. Ini mungkin SEO tips yang masih belum dipahami dengan benar oleh sebagian kawan-kawan blogger hingga saat ini. Sejak diluncurkannya beberapa alogaritma terbaru Google mulai pertengahan tahun 2013 lalu hingga saat ini banyak blog spam yang semula berada di halaman pertama search engine akhirnya berterbangan ke halaman antah berantah, bahkan malah hilang dari mesin pencari.

Bahkan salah satu blog rekan kita yang baik ( miliknya Wahyu Eka Prasetiyarini hingga saat ini diblokir pihak google dan masih belum pulih. Setelah mendengar informasi menurut keterangan mbak Ririn sendiri penghapusan blogspotnya tersebut berawal dari banyaknya komentar yang dianggap spam.

Jadi sebaiknya jangan sia-siakan usaha blogwalking Anda hanya dengan meninggalkan komentar spam. Semalas-malasnya menulis, paling tidak tinggalkan komentar berupa sebaris kalimat yang isinya berhubungan dengan konten yang diberi komentar. Mungkin tadinya sahabat bermaksud ingin mendapatkan backlink dengan cara meninggalkan link pada komentar yang dibuat, namun jika komentar nantinya dianggap spam baik oleh Admin blog, atau oleh google justru yang didapat bukannya backlink tapi malah sanksi google penalty.
Masih mending blog terlempar ke halaman antah berantah di search engine, yang fatal lagi bagaimana jika blog Anda malah dihapus? Rugi bukan. Hanya menulis sebaris kata yang ada hubungannya dengan artikel yang dikomentari saya rasa tidak akan menghabiskan waktu, justru selain mempunyai dua keuntungan. Pertama komentar pastinya akan dipublish oleh Admin blog yang bersangkutan. Keuntungan kedua komentar tersebut dapat menjadi backlink untuk blog Anda sendiri.

Tahukah Anda dengan meninggalkan link dan komentar yang relevan meskipun di blog yang nofollow untuk SEO saat ini, itu tetap bisa menjadi backlink, jadi tidak harus lagi hanya berkomentar dan meninggalkan link di blog yang dofollow saja. Saya sudah buktikan hal tersebut dengan berkomentar dibeberapa blog nofollow, ternyata seminggu kemudian setelah dicek, link di blog nofollow tersebut juga bertambah menjadi backlink.

Jadi berkomentarlah dengan baik menggunakan beberapa baris kalimat yang isinya sesuai dengan posting yang dikomentari. Jangan cuma nyepam aja seperti hanya menulis komentar dengan dua kata "Trimakasih Infonya" itu termasuk spammer Comment. Kerugiannya yaitu selain tidak menguntungkan bagi Anda karena tidak menjadi backlink, kemungkinan besar komentar seperti itu tidak akan dipublish oleh Admin blog yang diberi komentar. Celakanya lagi jika nanti blog Anda malah ditandai sebagai spammer. Kalau sudah begitu SEO tips apapun yang dilakukan, saya rasa tidak akan banyak membantu menyelamatkan blog Anda dari sanksi search engine. Tips kali ini saya rasa itu yang penting yang ingin saya bagikan buat sahabat blogger yang baik mengenai komentar spam yang bisa berakhir dengan sanksi banned, semoga bisa membantu.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cara Membuat Blogspot di Blogger


Saya mencoba mengemas bagaimana cara membuat Blogspot di Blogger yang berkualitas dari tahap awal sampai akhir. Sengaja saya membuat rangkuman ini dalam satu halaman yang ditujukan untuk blogger pemula, supaya lebih mudah dalam membacanya dan mengikuti tahap demi tahap.



Supaya anda bisa membuat blogspot di Blogger syarat utama tentu saja pertama adalah harus memiliki email Google, jika belum silahkan daftar untuk membuat email terlebih dahulu di Google. Baca selengkapnya

google mail


Apabila tahap pembuatan Google mail telah selesai, tahap berikutnya adalah memulai membuat blogspot di Blogger, caranya sangat mudah sekali silahkan anda klik untuk melanjutkan membaca. Baca selengkapnya

cara membuat blogspot


Jika proses membuat Blog di Blogspot sudah selesai, tahap berikutnya adalah bagaimana cara memasang Widget atau Gadget pada blogspot yang baru dibuat tersebut. Ikuti caranya.
Baca selengkapnya



Setelah anda memahami bagaimana cara memasang Gadget, langkah berikutnya adalah belajar bagaimana cara setting perancang Template. Seperti merubah warna font untuk nama blog, atau warna judul artikel dan deskripsi. Merubah background, tata letak dan banyak lagi setting lainnya yang harus dipelajari. Baca selengkapnya



 Apabila ke empat tahap diatas sudah bisa anda selesaikan dengan baik, langkah berikutnya adalah bagaimana cara memulai menulis artikel yang baik dan berkualitas di Blogspot baru yang telah dibuat. Baca Selengkapnya

Cara membuat Artikel


Untuk memasuki tahap ini Anda sudah harus menguasai mengenai HTML. Setidaknya anda sudah belajar html. Jangan sampai benar sama sekali tidak memahaminya, sebab jika terjadi kesalahan pada waktu melakukan edit HTML, nantinya akan membuat template blog menjadi error atau bahkan tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Apabila anda sudah sedikit saja menguasainya silahkan lanjutkan untuk membaca. Baca selengkapnya

Cara mengedit template blogger


Jika anda benar-benar pemula, tentu belum mengetahui banyak tentang Template SEO Friendly ini. Penggantian Template standar Blogger dengan template SEO Friendly ini dilakukan dengan tujuan supaya search engin lebih mudah mengenali struktur Blog.
Baca selengkapnya

cara mengganti template seo friendly


Tahap untuk mendaftarkan url blog anda di Google ini sebaiknya dilakukan apabila Blog yang anda buat sudah diisi dengan jumlah artikel. Akan lebih baik lagi jika tahap pembuatan Blog sudah sampai pada penggantian template dengan menggunakan Template SEO Friendly. Silahkan baca untuk lebih jelasnya lagi. Baca selengkapnya

Cara mendaftarkan url di google


Tahap berikutnya adalah mendaftarkan Blog di Alexa. Ini akan sangat baik dilakukan untuk blog baru. Karena Alexa Rank blog akan lebih mudah di akses oleh alexa. Kemudian anda harus memasang Widget alexa atau memasang Alexa Toolbar pada browsing yang anda gunakan. Silahkan baca lebih lanjut. Baca selengkapnya

Memasang Widget Alexa