Sunday, May 13, 2018

Jointly Finding Seeds and Relevant Tags in Social Networks

Jointly Finding Seeds and Relevant Tags in Social Networks for Targeted Influence Maximization

A summary of the SIGMOD 2018 research paper by Xiangyu KE, Arijit KHAN and Gao CONG

[Influence Maximization]
Nowadays online social networks have become an important medium for campaigners to promote their products. It is quite normal that a social network has millions of users, and it is impossible for a campaigner to directly reach out to all of them via advertisements, free samples, or discounted prices. If we see our friends' tweets praising some products, we probably also adopt them. Therefore, it is important to identify a small set of users (with cardinality k) who can influence as many other users as possible in the social network. It is known as the Influence Maximization problem, and has been widely studied [1, 2]. Moreover, a campaigner can further specify her target customers, either explicitly, or via some constraints (e.g., people in age group 20~30), which is referred to as the Targeted Influence Maximization [3].

[Conditional Influence Probability]

Users generally apply tags to characterize their contents in an online social network, e.g., hashtags in Twitter and Instagram. The probability that a tweet originated by a user will be re-tweeted by her followers clearly depends on the hashtags and other keywords in that tweet. In the above figure, the gentleman's tweets about arts can attract much more attention from the lady than those about bars. Assuming independence of tags, the influence probability between two users, for a given set of tags Ccan be calculated as follows:

Now during campaigning, setting a small budget on the number of tags is critical for the following reasons:
(a) to avoid information overload against campaign effectiveness (e.g., if one wants to write an advertisement or a blog, she may want to focus on a small number of relevant topics).
(b) for cost-effective planning and due to other physical constraints (e.g., an album can accommodate a limited number of genres/songs). 

[Our Problem]

Given a set of target customers, a small budget k on the number of seed users, and a small budget r on the number of relevant tags, what are the top-k seed nodes and the top-r most relevant tags that maximize the expected spread of the campaign within the target set of customers?

[Case Study]

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our problem, we conduct a case study on the real-world reviewing-based Yelp social network (, where users can assign reviews to a business after visiting it. As shown in the above table, the most relevant tags (found by our method) to influence people in each target city are quite different, e.g., for Las Vegas, popular categories are more about tourism; whereas for Pittsburgh, various food items appear in the top-10 list. Furthermore, the above figure shows that an optimal set of advertisement tags for a specific city may not work in the same way for other cities. It is interesting to note that even only with 10 most relevant tags found by our method, we can obtain nearly 90% of the influence spread achieved by all 195 tags in the dataset. This demonstrates the applicability and usefulness of our novel query.


(a)  The classic influence maximization problem is NP-hard [1], and the computation of influence spread is #P-hard [4], following the Independent Cascade (IC) model of influence spread. We consider the same IC model in this work.

(b) Finding the top-r tags that maximize the influence spread from a given set of seeds to target nodes in a social network is NP-hard, and also hard to approximate (does not admit any PTAS) [5]. This is neither sub-modular, nor super-modular.

[Our Solution]

We propose an iterative framework for solving this problem. The framework alternatively and in an iterative manner, optimizes the top-k seed users and the top-r relevant tags, assuming that the others are fixed. We prove that our method converges to a local optimum [6], because at every round, the expected influence spread within the target set monotonically increases until convergence. 

For seed finding part, we refine the classic TIM algorithm [7] to adapt to targeted influence maximization setting, and equip it with smart indexing strategies for better efficiency. We build θc indexes for each tag beforehand and combine them as working graphs when processing online queries. We have both theoretical and empirical study on θc to ensure a good quality [6]. Moreover, we propose lazy and local indexing strategies for further efficiency improvement (30%).

For tag finding part, we modify the single path selection algorithm [5] in a batch manner and significantly improve its accuracy. We discuss the limitations of the original objective function and the algorithm in [5], and also the intuition of our modifications in details in our paper [6], which improves the accuracy by up to 30% with similar running time. 

For more information, click here for our paper.
Blog post contributed by: Xiangyu KE

1. D. Kempe, J. M. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos. Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network. In KDD, 2003. 
2. W. Chen, L.V.S. Lakshmanan, and C. Castillo. Information and Influence Propagation in Social Networks. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management. Morgan& Claypool Publishers, 2013. 
3. T. Lappas, E. Terzi, D. Gunopulos, and H. Mannila. Finding Effectors in Social Networks. In KDD, 2010. 
4. W. Chen, C. Wang, and Y. Wang. Scalable Influence Maximization for Prevalent Viral Marketing in Large-Scale Social Networks. In KDD, 2010. 
5. A.Khan, F. Bonchi, F. Gullo, and A. Nufer. Conditional Reliability in Uncertain Graphs. In TKDE, 2018.
6. X. Ke, A. Khan, and G. Cong. Finding Seeds and Relevant Tags Jointly: For Targeted Influence Maximization in Social Networks. In SIGMOD, 2018. 
7. Y. Tang, X. Xiao, and Y. Shi. Influence Maximization: Near-Optimal Time Complexity Meets Practical Efficiency. In SIGMOD, 2014. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Probabilistic Entity Resolution with Imperfect Crowd: PERC


In real world scenarios, we encounter many situations where two objects may not look exactly identical, but they represent the same entity.

Example 1:
 1. Vijaya Krishna Yalavarthi
 2. Yalavarthi Vijaya Krishna
 3. Xiangyu Ke
 4. Arijit Khan

In the above table, among the four names given, first two names represent the same person - Vijaya Krishna Yalavarthi, though they are not written in an identical way.

Example 2:


Among the three images given, A and B represent Taj Mahal (India), whereas C represents Merlion (Singapore). Though A and B do not look identical, they represent the same entity - Taj Mahal.

What is entity resolution?
Entity resolution (ER) [2] is the task of linking and clustering of all records that represent the same real-world entity. ER, also known as record linkage or deduplication, is a crucial step in data cleaning and data integration, and has wide variety of applications like data analytics, knowledge representation, comparison shopping, and law enforcement, to name a few.

How to do ER?
Entity resolution can be done in many ways. One way is by using machine-based methods including text similarity measure, or classification by machine learning techniques. Another way of performing ER is by crowdsourcing [4, 5].

Crowdsourcing for ER:
Here, a record pair is selected and is given to people, referred to as crowd workers, for their evaluation of the record similarity. If the answer is positive (i.e, YES) from those crowd workers, then it can be concluded that the record pair represents the same entity.
For ER, recent studies [8] show that crowdsourcing can provide better results compared to machine based techniques for complex tasks, such as classification and clustering of images, video tagging, optical character recognition, and natural language processing. There are various crowdsourcing platforms, e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk and CrowdFlower where humans perform tasks for certain amount of monetary reward.

Challenges in crowdsourcing-based ER:
Though humans provide more insightful information, crowdsourcing suffers from crowd errors due to lack of domain expertise or seriousness, ambiguity, or even due to malicious intents. Therefore, crowdsouricing all record pairs may provide very good accuracy, but it would be expensive. Hence, our goal is:

Minimize the crowdsourcing cost, while maximizing the quality of the results.

Our problem:
We consider the ER problem as an uncertain graph problem, where every node in the graph represents a record, and an uncertain, undirected edge between two nodes represent the probability with which the two records belong to the same entity. We find edge probabilities by crowdsourcing. For example, in the figure given below, let us assume that we crowdsourced the record pair <A, C>. Out of 10 people, 3 accepted that they represent the same entity, whereas 7 did not. Hence, the weight of the edge AC is 0.3.

For ER, we begin with crowd sourcing a few initial record pairs chosen uniformly at random (alternatively, one can chose another way such as forming a spanning tree connecting the records), and update the graph based on crowd responses. Then, we cluster the records into initial entities. Now, the next big question is:

Which record pair to crowdsource next such that the quality of clustering increases maximally?

We developed PERC - Probabilistic Entity Resolution with Imperfect Crowd, to identify the best next crowdsourcing question. Following the notion of all possible worlds over uncertain graphs, we introduced a novel metric called reliability, which measures ''connected''-ness and ''disconnected''-ness inside a cluster and across clusters, respectively. We chose the next crowdsourcing question that maximizes the reliability of the present clustering. 

Our experimental results with real world datasets attest that PERC reduces the crowd sourcing cost by 50 % compared to state-of-the-art techniques, e.g., DENSE [6], PC-Pivot [3], and MinMax [7]. These existing methods consider ad-hoc, local features to select next questions, such as individual paths (e.g., MinMax), nodes (e.g., PC-Pivot), or the set of either positive or negative edges (e.g., DENSE). Hence, they generally fail to capture the strength of the entire clustering, resulting in higher crowdsourcing cost to achieve a reasonable ER accuracy.

A snippet of our experimental results is given below.

For more information, click here (CIKM 2017 full research paper), here (VLDB 2018 demonstration paper), and here (VLDB 2018 demonstration video).

Blog post contributed by: Vijaya Krishna Yalavarthi

[1] VK. Yalavarthi, X. Ke, and A. Khan. 2017. Select Your Questions Wisely: For Entity Resolution
With Crowd Errors. In CIKM.
[2] L. Getoor and A. Machanavajjhala. 2013. Entity Resolution for Big Data. In KDD.
[3] S. Wang, X. Xiao, and C.-H. Lee. 2015. Crowd-Based Deduplication: An Adaptive Approach. In SIGMOD.
[4] J. Wang, G. Li, T. Kraska, M. J. Franklin, and J. Feng. 2013. Leveraging Transitive Relations for Crowdsourced Joins. In SIGMOD.
[5] J.Wang, T. Kraska,M. J. Franklin, and J. Feng. 2012. CrowdER: Crowdsourcing Entity Resolution. In VLDB.
[6] V. Verroios and H. G.-Molina. 2015. Entity Resolution with Crowd Errors. In ICDE.
[7] A. Gruenheid, D. Kossmann, S. Ramesh, and F. Widmer. 2012. Crowdsourcing Entity Resolution. Technical Report. ETH Zurich.
[8] R. Gomes, P. Welinder, A. Krause, and P. Perona. 2011. Crowdclustering. In NIPS.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Cara Optimasi Video Youtube Yang Paling Bagus Untuk Seo Youtube

Optimasi optimasi seo youtube sama pentingnya dengan optimasi artikel, tujuannya adalah agar memudahkan pencarian orang terhadap video tersebut, baik dari hasil pencarian di google maupun hasil pencarian dari youtube. Semakin mudah di temukan video, maka semakin akan bertambah pula jumlah viewer (pemirsa) pada video anda.

Jika video anda di kaitkan dengan akun adsense, akan semakin besar pula peluang mendapatkan uang dari video anda. Tahukah anda berapa ribu video yang di upload ke youtube setiap harinya? Apakah video anda berpeluang untuk banyak di lihat orang setiap harinya?Kecuali video anda benar benar sebuah video yang menghebohkan.

Maka dari itu sangatlah penting untuk melakukan optimasi video, layaknya sebuah artikel dengan sentuhan SEO (search engine optimation) agar hasil pencariannya lebih maksimal.

Buat Video Dengan Durasi Lebih Panjang

Pemirsa youtube tentunya mencari sebuah video yang relevan seperti apa yang di harapkan dan sesuai dengan apa yang di inginkan. Durasi video yang ideal adalah 10 – 15 menit.sajikan video dengan durasi yang cukup agar pemirsa dapat mengakses informasi yang lebih lengkap pula. Terkadang durasi video yang pendek di anggap kurang menarik, karena di anggap belum bisa memberikan informasi secara utuh.

Buat Video Dengan Kualitas Yang Bagus

Di jaman sekarang fasilitas untuk membuat video berkualitas HD ( high definition), atau hasil rekam dengan resolusi tinggi sangatlah mudah di jumpai. Walaupun hasil rekaman dengan ponsel, sudah cukup menghasilkan resolusi 480p (Minimal). Jika anda membuat video screenshot (untuk video tutorial dan sejenisnya) gunakanlah software yang mendukung yang menghasilkan video dengan resolusi yang bagus (di atas 480p) HD.

Kata kunci Untuk Video

1. Sekali lagi, peranan kata kunci dalam video adalah hal yang sangat menentukan, anda bisa membuat video yang berhubungan dengan apapun, tetapi tentukanlah target untuk "kata kunci video" yang terkait dengan judul dalam video anda. Semisal anda membuat video tentang tutorial, gunakanlah judul yang tepat untuk cara riset keyword youtube video tentang tutorial tersebut.

Sebelumnya anda bisa mencoba  melakukan riset keyword dengan cara menggunakan google keyword planner. Dengan riset keyword youtube, di harapkan bisa mengetahui kata kunci apa yang sedang populer, dan hasil tingkat persaingan dalam pencarian.

2. Anda bisa optimalkan video anda untuk hasil pencarian di mesin pencari google ataupun pencarian youtube, sebelum benar benar mempublish video anda, lakukanlah optimasi SEO untuk video, agar tayangan video anda lebih maksimal dan dapat di akses mesin pencari.


Dengan cara seo video youtube di harapkan akan mendapatkan hasil dari mesin pencari google maupun di pencarian youtube, bisa di bayangkan berapa pesaing video yang mungkin sama dengan kategori video yang anda upload. Akan lebih berpeluang terindex oleh google, karena google juga merayapi diskripsi serta tags video yang anda tempatkan.

Masih ingat artikel "mengapa video anda gagal menghasilkan uang dari youtube", salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena kurang optimasi pada video serta kata kunci yang di targetkan pada video tersebut.

Hal yang paling utama adalah kualitas dari video itu sendiri, jika video anda menarik dan berkualitas, maka jaminan untuk memiliki banyak viewer (penonton) akan lebih berpeluang lebih besar lagi, dan jangan lupa untuk mempromosikan video anda. Karena itu salah satu cara mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi pemirsa.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Top 16 All Time Best Google Adsense Alternatives To Make Money Online

Google had additionally commenced a crack down in opposition to many publishers who have been not in compliance with Google Adsense software's phrases as well as situations and that crack down resulted in many Banned Google Adsense bills. As soon as Google Adsense account gets banned, you can't create any other account with the aid of any manner, even if you are fortunate enough to get some other account by way of applying some tricks, it's going to get banned in a while. Now Google most effective desires to paintings with publishers who're operating hard to put in writing high nice specific content and obtain majority of organic search engine visitors. it is simplest viable after one has been suffering for wide variety of years and sooner or later get into Google Adsense. i coverd very amazing post of Google AdSense How to Earn Money with Google Adsense? STEP-BY-STEP
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For the reason that Google Adsense is the very best paying monetization platform for bloggers, there may be no match to Google Adsense that can compensate as high as Google Adsense does. Google Adsense has one hundred% ad fill fee and tons of advertisers willing to join Google Adwords to market their merchandise / offerings. in case you are unable to get into Google Adsense software or you've got been banned from Google Adsense. you can also have a have a look at top 10 ways to Make cash online from net. today I need to share top Google Adsense options which can be without difficulty permitted and assist you earn cash out of your weblog / internet site. Also check out How Freelancers Make cash With Upwork? (as much as $2500 monthly)

#1 Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is extra rewarding and helps you to earn extra money if you have the functionality to convince the people to buy the goods via your affiliate links. associate commissions for pricey merchandise are typically better and you've extra ability to make cash despite less wide variety of site visitors to your blog. There are tons of affiliate programs that could be joined and will let you earn 4 digit earnings in bucks.

#2. is a writer network that has been shaped by using Yahoo & Bing (Microsoft). Its relatively less difficult to get's approval in comparison with Adsense. minimal payout is $50 and that they aid Paypal + Bankwire. once you'll reach $50 you will get paid inside 30 days. They offer net 30 mode of price.

#3. Technorati Media
Technorati Media is any other CPM primarily based writer / advertising and marketing network that helps bloggers and internet site owners to earn money through showing ads on their website. minimum payout is $50, they offer net forty five mode of payment. as soon as you will attain $50 you may get paid within 45 days. They pay via Paypal, Bankwire & take a look at.
associated post: four Hotest approaches To Make money on line through blogging
Top List of Blog Niche to Catch Good Traffic to Make Money Online
#4. Yashi
Yashi Media gives properly incomes capability to weblog / website owners. Its also a CPM network that can pay on the idea of fee in step with thousand impressions. minimum payout is $50 through Paypal, Bankwire & take a look at. They help payments on internet 30 basis.

#5. InfoLinks
Infolinks converts your content material into cash with the aid of highlighting key phrases and turning them into an advert. while someone clicks or perspectives the ones adverts, you'll be credited. Infolinks is now a CPM primarily based community. minimum payout for Infolinks is $50. They assist payments on net 45 foundation, as soon as your account has accumulated $50, you'll get paid within next 45 days. payments are made thru Paypal, Payoneer & bank cord. you can read precise Infolinks assessment.

#6. Chitika
Chitika commercials helps you to earn cash from your blog / website through displaying ads. minimal fee amount is $10 and you will get paid inside 30 days thru Paypal / take a look at.

#7. Clicksor
Clicksor works much like Infolinks, but they do deal in popup advertisements. minimum charge amount is $50 and you may receives a commission twice each month in case your account stability reaches above $50. you'll be paid through Paypal /Test.

These Networks Require excessive visitors web sites for Approval
Other writer Networks

#12.  #13. Adstractt #14. Adcash #15. Popcash #16. Popads

The use of a couple of writer networks at the equal time to your blog / internet site will sluggish down your weblog. i would advise not to use more than two publisher networks at a time. you can maintain on trying out the more than one writer networks through A/B checking out and select the only that works satisfactory for you and facilitates you earn extra money. Your earning capability will depend on the great of traffic that's determined thru the place of site visitors. for instance visitors from u.s. & european place may be producing more money than site visitors from Asian international locations. if you are already using Google Adsense, i'd endorse you no longer to apply any low fine publisher network with it, considering there's no publisher network so one can pay you better than Google Adsense. you could simplest go with high pleasant ad networks altogether with Adsense, along with Tribal Fusion, BuySellAds, & Technorati Media.

Its over to You guys lets us know this article help or not or what you thing about Google AdSense Alternatives Please lets us Know your respected thoughts on comment section.. If you have any question regarding Google AdSense Alternatives  or this Post Please lets us know on comment section. Please share if Like It Thank You!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Best Tools Everyone In The Wordpress Should Be Using

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 WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast is the best and most downloaded WordPress plugin of all times . Yoast’s WordPress SEO is a comprehensive solution for all your on-site SEO needs.
Yoast allows you to add SEO title, meta description, and meta keywords to each article and page of your blog or site.

You can also write custom title for your main blog or site, archives, category and tag pages. Also adds Open Graph meta data, Twitter Cards, Sitemaps and ping search engines whenever and wherever you update your site or blog.

2. Google Keyword Planner

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No one on the World has more insights into what people are searching for than the search giant Google.

hey Did you know that you can get your own keyword ideas from Google itself by using the Google Keyword Planner tool.

This free  and best tool is offered to Google’s advertisers for free and anyone can use it. It’s main purpose is to show advertisers the keywords they can bid on for their advertising campaigns. It also helps advertisers choose right keywords by showing them an estimate of search volume, number of results, and difficulty level.

As a content  marketer or blogger , you can use this data to find keywords with high search volume, high advertiser interest, and more importantly keywords where you can easily outrank all other Websites.

3: SEMrush

WordPress SEO, Google Keyword Planner tips, Check how your blogs and sites are performing, Top Tools Everyone In The Wordpress, blogging, earn with blogging,
Is a tool that Pros use to gather insights and analytics  from their competitor’s to help improve their own SEO.

You can learn about organic keywords to rank for, places where you can get backlinks from, insights into your competitor’s advertising strategies, and so much more.

SEMrush is a paid subscription and is used by thousands of SEO professionals all over the world. Its can provide you an enormous wealth of data
WordPress SEO, Google Keyword Planner tips, Check how your blogs and sites are performing, Top Tools Everyone In The Wordpress, blogging, earn with blogging,

Guys if you Want to know how your content is doing on social networks? This plugin tool will tell you by tracking shares on  Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+.

Check how your blogs and sites are performing on the social web directly from the backend. It’s a great tool to gain an overview over your current performance without having to use external utilities.

Plus, Social Metrics Tracker lets you export your results to a spreadsheet for further analysis.

5 Best Password Managers for Online Security- Apps & Tools

5 Best Password Managers for Online Security- Apps & Tools

5 Great Password Managers for PC, Mac, and Mobile Phone.

Creating one strong password is hard enough,
and doing it for every website makes password
management just about impossible which is why most people prefer to use
weak passwords and reuse them on different websites. Using robust and unique
passwords for every site could be quite pain-staking—unless you use a password manager.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Killer Tips to Boost Creativity and Productivity for Online Success

In this article I am going to talk about the latest and amazing tips to increase Creativity and Productivity for online business so now The net and the manner people do business and speak with each different has immensely shattered the conventional notions of employment and how statistics and expertise is disseminated, shared and absorbed.
killer Tips to Boost Creativity and Productivity for Online Success
Not lots greater than 10 years ago it became a universally well-known reality for most of the people that if you wanted to get anywhere in life you will need to get some sort of training and then discover a pleasing activity (ideally near home with a quite easy go back and forth).
Rather people who had been a piece extra formidable and courageous sought to construct offline agencies in which they have been masters in their personal destinies even if this form of living does commonly contain a large monetary threat and invariably long hours.

All the above conditions are flawlessly ok and are still a legitimate manner to make a living, but the point is that now, like never before, there's some other size within the form of the internet which just about every person has get entry to to and from which people can pursue agencies or a few means of earnings generation which truly become not feasible some many years in the past.

And this leaves us with a pleasant segue to the factor we want to make – you currently have options available to you which might be most effective restrained by way of your creativeness, creativity and willingness to have a pass.
Top 10 Ways To Make Money Online from Internet
So it would seem that if you can only give you some suitable innovative ideas, there’s no telling where you can take them when you observe them at the net. that is especially true and what people must recognise is that you don’t need to come up with the excellent issue given that sliced bread that allows you to make some inroads at the internet.

Subsequently the inducement for this text is to factor out some primary things you can do to get your self in the right body of thoughts to be extra innovative, driven and productive due to the fact those are honestly the matters if you want to decide whether or not you may prevail or not (on line or offline).

Because in contrast to the way it became for our mother and father and grandparents, succeeding on the internet doesn’t require permission from your boss or loads of lots of dollars or an Ivy League degree hanging out of your wall. essentially it is all as much as you and whether or not you’re willing to grow to be a little innovative, modern and pushed.

So underneath we've indexed some factors and pointers to be able to optimistically help you gain the proper mind-set and spark some enthusiasm and provide you with a starting point on how to growth your creativity so you will have the self belief to pursue your online dreams.

Don’t Make Excuses – plan on doing some thing after which do it!

That is the essential mind-set which appears to be a common trait which runs via maximum a hit humans. The economic and different boundaries you can have faced within the conventional feel have now evaporated due to the opportunities the internet has manifested for everybody and thus there is absolutely no extra reason to cover behind excuses such as “i can’t have the funds for to open a commercial enterprise” or “university educations is manner too highly-priced”…. and so on.

So get your self in the mode of putting a intention and then doing some thing it takes to make it take place.

Creativity can be discovered and isn't necessarily a god-given talent

A well-known comic, author and actor called John Cleese as soon as explained how he could spend hours looking to provide you with an unique idea and he nearly continually succeeded.

He stated that this become because the way he did things and no longer a few genetic innovative prowess which enabled him to give you creative thoughts.

He surely defines a handful of ingredients which assist him come to be extra innovative:

#1: Time and space: you need to present yourself both time and some area wherein you may be freed from the stresses and needs of other things on your existence with a purpose to do your getting to know, investigating, problem fixing and so forth.

Your mind needs enough time to digest things you may have just learned so it can have the possibility to provide you with new thoughts.

Also having a space where you may work that's quiet and conducive to gaining knowledge of and productivity enables substantially.
Top List of Blog Niche to Catch Good Traffic to Make Money Online
#2:  Have the self assurance to try matters: getting rid of your fears of creating errors makes it plenty less complicated on your mind to emerge as more unfastened to bask in innovative concept.
after all, as said previously, you’re normally no longer risking millions when you strive out some commercial enterprise concept at the internet. (there are of direction constantly exceptions but in fashionable that is case)

#3: Be much less extreme and have a sense of humor: This factor is not sudden considering John Cleese is a comic, however it have to observe to everybody besides. Being serious about matters all the time allows fear to creep in and we lose confidence to try new matters.

Be Engaged in what you are doing

When you’re studying new things or trying out thoughts you ought to be totally engaged within the assignment to hand and no longer thinking about unrelated topics or distractions.

This need to truely observe to the entirety you do – even washing the dishes or cleaning up across the house.

While we're absolutely immersed in what we are doing we generally tend to persist extra at fixing issues and come to be much more likely to locate answers.

Even if we aren’t always seeking to clear up some thing, through being fully engaged when appearing a undertaking effects in higher consequences and higher exceptional of work.

Buddhist clergymen call this mindfulness but you don’t ought to be a monk to get the blessings. Psychologists have also executed studies which show that the idea of “drift” or being “within the glide” is much more likely to occur while we're mindfully engaged in our venture.

Obtain some new abilties to open creative opportunities
We’ve already referred to how the internet has absolutely modified the way people study and do things.

For more than one hundred greenbacks a year you may simply educate yourself new capabilities which you may develop into a precious asset in the consolation of your own home and at your very own tempo.

Educational institutions are fast turning into redundant due to the net revolution and the sky’s the restriction for absolutely everyone.

Acquiring a new skill regularly opens up unique opportunities and offers you a new manner of searching at some thing.

There are now many pleasant on line- learning websites in which you could examine some thing you want for a fragment of the value of an equal course you would possibly get at a traditional learning group.

How to Increase Windows 8 Speed to Run Faster

Windows 8 was meticulously designed to bring new feel with more advanced features. Despite more efficient operating system than its previous versions still, it is not immune to some common computer problems. In this article, we have discussed ways to get rid of slow running Windows 8 system.

Increase Windows 8 Speed

Before Going Further...

• Remove Unwanted Adware from Your Browser - Read Now

• Convert your Voice into a Rap Song - Read Now

• How to Make Bold, Italics and Fancy Text on FB, Twitter - Read Now

Avoid Virus Threats

Likewise, every single version of Windows, Windows 8 was introduced with a lot of advanced features & functionalities to improve system performance. One effective utility it incorporates is built-in anti-malware tool called Windows Defender. It is more advanced and laced with new smart features to protect your Windows 8 system from all types of malware threats. It comes built-in on your Windows 8 system but not-necessarily it comes activated. Thus, you should check and activate Windows Defender on your system to stop all malware threats effectively.

Increase Windows 8 Speed
Source: askdavetaylor
To activate Windows Defender, go to Start menu, type and select “Windows Defender”. If you find Microsoft’s security software is disabled, then you can enable it by heading to Settings tab and then click on “Turn on real-time protection (recommended)” option. Save the changes to enable security program. You can also go to Update tab to download and update latest malware definitions that Microsoft has to offer. You can go to the Home page to scan your computer for all security threats by clicking on “Scan Now” button.

Check for hard disk drive errors

One possible reason behind slow running Windows 8 system could be errors on your hard drive. To scan, find and fix errors on your hard disk drive, follow these steps.

• Close all apps first.

• Go to Start menu and open File Explorer from Search Charm.

• Select and right-click on the drive that you want to check and select Properties.

• On Properties window, select Tools tab.

• Under Error Checking section click on Check button.

• Enter administrator password or confirmation, if prompted.

• On Error Checking window, click on Scan Drive option. Here, Windows will start checking the selected drive for errors and help you fix them.

Increase Windows 8 Speed
Source: support.hp

Stop Indexing

Indexing service on your Windows system helps you speed up file searching time. It automatically monitors and index files for easy searching. This service runs in a background to help you but it may increase the load on your system resources including on CPU. Further, it affects your system performance negatively. Thus, you can consider disabling this service to speed up windows 8 performance. Remember, it may slow down your file search process. To disable Windows Indexing service, follow these steps.

• Open Start menu and search “services.msc” in Run command window.

• Now on Services window, search and right-click on “Windows Search” option and select Properties. 

• Select “Disabled” from Startup Type drop-down menu under General tab. 

• Click Apply and Ok to save changes.

Increase Windows 8 Speed
Source: spicytricks
Alternatively, you can also limit indexing service to a specific folder. To do this, go to Start menu, search and select “Indexing options” and make the necessary changes. 
Use Power Settings: If you are on laptop and want to speed up Windows 8 performance then you can make some necessary tweaks in power settings. It will help you with maximum performance by all your system components including RAM, CPU, hard drive, display etc. To configure PC for maximum performance, open Start menu, search and select “power options” from search results under Settings. On Power Options window select “High-performance” radio button or “Change Plan Settings” to do necessary changes. It will instantly boost your Windows 8 performance. 

Increase Windows 8 Speed

Use Disk Cleanup Utility

Windows offers built-in utility called Disk Cleanup to help you find and clean all junk files on your system. To access this utility, go to Start menu > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Disk Cleanup. Alternatively, search it directly from the Run command window in Start menu. Now select the drive you want to clean on pop-up window. Select the files & folders you want to clean and press OK.

Increase Windows 8 Speed
Source: helpdeskgeek
Windows offers you multiple useful built-in utilities to help you fix various system issues seamlessly. Using these built-in utilities, you can find and clean all junk files, protect your system from malware threat and do much more to improve system performance. You can use these built-in features & utilities to get rid of performance issues on your Windows 8 system.
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A Guest Post by Apporv

Apoorv bhatnagar is working at Systweak Software , as an SEO analyst and technical Content Writer. His potential of writing is PC  tips , Android  and Mac tricks and he is anxious in writing other technical blogs. You can also find Apoorv on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Do You Know Any Tricks to Boost your Windows 8 ? If Yes, Let me know in the comments.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

10 Best Popular Blogger Widgets and Plugins

Today I'm going to show you my great collection of blogger widgets and plugins which makes your blog look super cool, you can also call it "Cool Blogger Templates" or "Best Blogger Templates". However, I've named this a "10+ Best Popular Blogger Widgets and Plugins".

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

Actually, these are the codes which you can implement on blogger to get stylish blogger widgets or plugins.

Before Going Further-

• This is Why Jawbone Up3 Gadget is Better - Read

• Best Fitness tracker - Read

• All in one SEO Pack for Blogger - Read

Why Do We Need a Blogger Widgets and Plugins

We need a blogger widgets because, like wordpress, blogger doesn't provide option of plugins so I have sorted best blogger widgets and plugins that anyone can use freely.

Blogger have facility to add unlimited HTMl/Javascript codes, so the plugins that I have created is actually made from HTML and Javascript.

After implementing these widgets, you can easily see the best development of your blogger blog.

How to Install All Blogger Widgets and Plugins

We will show you the list of the best blogger widgets and plugins, so choose the best plugins which fits with your blog and then there is some installation process for every blogger widgets and plugins, you just need to go through the process and that's sit.

These all blogger widgets are very simple to use and easy to install, so without wasting your time, let's get to the point.

here are all plugins,

1. About Us Blogger Widgets

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

As You Can see the image above, check the features to know more about this widgets

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• You Can Set Image

• Shine Look

• Learn More Button

• Fully Customizable

How to Install "About Us Blogger Widgets"

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the following code ( To Copy Code Click in the Box Below, Press CTRL + A and Copy It)

Edit the Description, edit image address and link the learn more button

2. Social Media ICON With Hover Effect Widgets 

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

As you can see above, this looks so cool. We loves this widgets because it has unique hover effect which will increase its "Click Through Rates" (CTR).

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Hover Effect

• Clean Design

• Easy To Install

How to Install "Social Media ICON With Hover Effect Widgets"

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the following code ( To Copy Code Click in the Box Below, Press CTRL + A and Copy It)

Edit the "#" with your URLS

3. Accurate Weather Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

This is Live Weather Widgets for Your Blog, It is 100% accurate and simple.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• You Don't Need to Edit Anything

• Simple Installation

• 100% Accurate Weather

How to Install "Accurate Weather Widgets for Blogger"

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the following code ( To Copy Code Click in the Box Below, Press CTRL + A and Copy It)

You Don't need to edit anything, just copy and paste as it is.

4. Breaking News Ticker Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

Do you want to boost your views, If yes then stay tuned because today I will show you "How to Add Breaking News Ticker Widgets for Blogger", It is very easy and simple. There are few codes that will make a breaking news ticker.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

1. Beautiful Clean Design

2. Fully Automated Widgets

3. Make Visitors Engaging

4. Allow Visitors to Visit your Blog

5. Easy to Load (Very Lighweight)

How to Install "Breaking News Ticker Widgets for Blogger"

We have already told that how to install this blogger widgets so if you want to know click on install it.

5. Push Notification Widgets/Plugins for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

Do You Want to Add a Push Notification to Blogger Blog Because Push Notification Can Drive Visitors to Your Website When They are Off-Page. I Love Push Notification and It is the Best Way to Interact With Your Viewers. 

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Control your Viewers, when they are Off Page.

• More Fast to Drive traffic than Any Method.

• More Subscribers, More Money

• Full Control With Your Subscriber

• Know About Your Customer Behavior

• Easy to Use

How to Install "Push Notification Widgets/Plugins for Blogger" 

We have already written about how to use and how to install so click install link below.

6. AddtoAny Social Sharing Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins
Source -

Addtoany is a service which allow you to add social share button to your websites. 

They provide clean and elegant social share button which allow visitors to share your post in one click.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Easy to Use

• Easy Installation

• All Social Options Available

How to Install "AddtoAny Social Sharing Widgets for Blogger"

Go this link and create your widgets, after creating widgets you will get codes, which you have to implement on your website

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the code where you want to show that Share Button.

Get the Code to Install

7. Free Live Chat Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins is a free live chat widget for blogger, it allows to serve unlimited visitors at a time.

I personally use tawk because it also helps to collect the emails. With this tool you can boost your conversion rate.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Easy to Install

• 100% Free Chat

• Allows to Serve Multiple Visitors

• Better than Any Live Chat

• Allow to send Pre-Written message 

How to Install " Free Live Chat Widgets for Blogger"

It is super easy to install just follow these steps-

1- Go to and create your account

2- Verify your email and website

3- Add given tawk codes to your website

Note - Codes are Different for All Website, Check Your Email After Registration to get Your Codes

Congrats ! You are Ready to Chat with your Visitors

8. Popup Welcome Message Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

This is simple approach of javascript to make a welcome message to your blog readers.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Simple Javascript

• Easy to Load

• Customizable

How to Install Popup "Welcome Message Blogger Widgets"

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the following code.

Here is the Code - 

Code Starts

<script> function MYALERT() {
alert("Welcome to"); } MYALERT()

Code END

Replace, Red text with your Website name.

9. Trending Post Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

This is a beautiful trending post widgets for blogger, must install this blogger widgets.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Beautiful Design

• Easy to Install

• Automatic Verify Trending Post

How to Install "Trending Post Widgets for Blogger"

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Theme>>Edit HTML>>Click Anywhere on the screen and press CTRl+F and search for </head> Paste the following code.

Code Starts

<script src=''/> <script type='text/javascript'>

Code END

Note - This Widget is Make by


Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the following code.

Code Starts

<div class='widget-content'>
<div class="widget HTML" data-version="1" id="HTML7">
<h2 class="title">Trending Posts</h2>
<div class="widget-content">
<!-- start feedwind code --><script type="text/javascript">document.write('\x3Cscript type="text/javascript" src="' + ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '">\x3C/script>');</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">(function() {var params = {rssmikle_url: "",rssmikle_frame_width: "315",rssmikle_frame_height: "0",frame_height_by_article: "0",rssmikle_target: "_top",rssmikle_font: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",rssmikle_font_size: "13",rssmikle_border: "on",responsive: "on",rssmikle_css_url: "",text_align: "left",text_align2: "left",corner: "on",scrollbar: "off",autoscroll: "on",scrolldirection: "up",scrollstep: "3",mcspeed: "20",sort: "Rnd",rssmikle_title: "off",rssmikle_title_sentence: "TRENDING POSTS",rssmikle_title_link: "",rssmikle_title_bgcolor: "#38A631",rssmikle_title_color: "#FFFFFF",rssmikle_title_bgimage: "",rssmikle_item_bgcolor: "#FFFFFF",rssmikle_item_bgimage: "",rssmikle_item_title_length: "55",rssmikle_item_title_color: "#1E991A",rssmikle_item_border_bottom: "on",rssmikle_item_description: "on",item_link: "off",rssmikle_item_description_length: "150",rssmikle_item_description_color: "1E88E6",rssmikle_item_date: "gl1",rssmikle_timezone: "Etc/GMT",datetime_format: "%b %e, %Y %l:%M %p",item_description_style: "text+tn",item_thumbnail: "crop",item_thumbnail_selection: "auto",article_num: "25",rssmikle_item_podcast: "off",keyword_inc: "",keyword_exc: ""};feedwind_show_widget_iframe(params);})();</script><iframe height="552" width="100%" src=";rssmikle_frame_width=315&amp;rssmikle_frame_height=550&amp;frame_height_by_article=0&amp;rssmikle_target=_top&amp;rssmikle_font=Arial%2C%20Helvetica%2C%20sans-serif&amp;rssmikle_font_size=13&amp;rssmikle_border=on&amp;responsive=on&amp;text_align=left&amp;text_align2=left&amp;corner=on&amp;scrollbar=on&amp;autoscroll=on&amp;scrolldirection=up&amp;scrollstep=3&amp;mcspeed=20&amp;sort=Rnd&amp;rssmikle_title=off&amp;rssmikle_title_sentence=TRENDING%20POSTS&amp;rssmikle_title_bgcolor=%2338A631&amp;rssmikle_title_color=%23FFFFFF&amp;rssmikle_item_bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;rssmikle_item_title_length=55&amp;rssmikle_item_title_color=%231E991A&amp;rssmikle_item_border_bottom=on&amp;rssmikle_item_description=on&amp;item_link=off&amp;rssmikle_item_description_length=150&amp;rssmikle_item_description_color=%23000000&amp;rssmikle_item_date=gl1&amp;rssmikle_timezone=Etc%2FGMT&amp;datetime_format=%25b%20%25e%2C%20%25Y%20%25l%3A%25M%20%25p&amp;item_description_style=text%2Btn&amp;item_thumbnail=crop&amp;item_thumbnail_selection=auto&amp;article_num=25&amp;rssmikle_item_podcast=off&amp;" scrolling="no" name="rssmikle_frame" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" frameborder="0"></iframe><div style="font-size:10px; text-align:center; "><a href="" style="color:#000000;">Knigulper Trends</a><!--Please display the above link in your web page according to Terms of Service.--></div><!-- end feedwind code --><!--  end  feedwind code -->
<div class="clear"></div></div>
<div class='clear'></div>

Code Ended

Now, Change the Red Text with Yours

Note - Paste this Code where your want to Save your Popular Posts

10. Responsive Banner Ads Widgets for Blogger

Blogger Widgets and Plugins

Do you want to set your own banner ads on blogger, if yes then this widgets is good for you, let's see it's features.

Features of this Blogger Widgets

• Responsive (If Theme is Responsive)

• Fits on Any Size

• Easy to Install

How to Install "Responsive Banner Ads Widgets for Blogger"

Navigate to Blogger Dashboard>>Layout>>Add Gadgets>>HTML/Javascript and Paste the following code.

Code Starts

<a href="#">
<img border="1" alt="Your Alternate Text" src="Banner Image address #"/></a>

Code Ends

• Change "#" with your clickable link

• Change Alternate Text with your Description

• Also, Enter Image Address

so, that's sit.

Our SEO Tutorial

• What is Social Bookmarking in SEO - Read

• Journey to Become SEo Expert - Read

• Ultimate SEO Pack for Blogger - Read

Hope, you have liked this collection, if you have any widgets then comment down below.